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Dobermans' tails are traditionally docked, or cut short, within a couple days of birth. This tradition dates back to medieval Europe, during which time dog ownership was taxed unless the dog was a working dog. Dogs were identified as "working dogs" (guard dogs, herding dogs, etc) by having their tails docked.

This is done by a veterinarian, who uses a very sharp scalpel to cut between the vertebrae of the tail at the correct length, then uses tissue glue to seal the skin back together. The puppy must be less than 5 days old for this to be done - any older and the risk of unintended side effects goes up.

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13y ago

We groom our own schnauzer to save money and stress on the dog. You will need a buzz clipper designed for dogs, a number 10 blade, bent scissors with a dull tip and blending scissors.

Buzz against the grain on the back, but leave a "skirt" on the underbelly. The skirt should begin where the torso stops getting thicker and begins to get narrower (the point where it "falls off"). The skirt line should continue across the back legs at a point three fingers above the "elbow" and across the front legs 1 finger above the joint. Buzz the tail and remove excess hair from the butt area. Buzz or scissor (carefully) the undercarriage from the belly button down. Buzz (against the grain only!) the head starting at just above the eyebrows across the skull and down the neck. The full neck should be buzzed against the grain, 360 degrees around. Under the chin should be buzzed as low as the beginning of the chest. Buzz the cheeks against the grain. Cut nothing on the beard or bridge of nose. Trim eyebrows so they are straight, long and feathery on an angle. ... shorter near where the eyes meet and longer near the outside corners of the eyes. Remove all hair from inside the ears using scissors carefully. Buzz the outside of the ears against the grain. Use scissors around the edges of the ears (carefully) to create a sharp outline. Use scissors to remove fur tufts between the feet pads, but not between the toes. Use scissors to cut a circle around the tops of the paws. Use blending scissors to reduce excess volume of fur in the fluffy areas that you did not buzz.

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14y ago

you should never cut a dogs tail off, it is very panefull and all dogs need tails.

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Why cut Dobermans tail?

As for the ear cutting, there is a number of reason. Originally, the breed was created to protect its master. Meaning to fight effectively. After many accidents where the tail was broken, it became standard to cut the tail soon after birth; when IT DOESN'T HURT AT ALL. The cartilage is still very smooth at that time. You can compare this to a circumcision for a young baby boy. Second, it is quite obvious that the tail is somewhat very ugly and doesn't fit the rest of the doberman's body. So it became a question of taste. But everyone agrees on that one. Finally most owner cut it because it is part of the breed's standard.

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The little mouse's tail was cut out with a silver butter knife.

How do you dock tail if band falls off?

cut it

How do you cut a grown dogs tail off?

You don't.

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you should never cut a dogs tail off, it is very panefull and all dogs need tails.

You can you have your dog's tail cut off?

It is not recommended to have your dog's tail cut off unless it is for medical reasons and advised by a veterinarian. Tail docking for cosmetic reasons is considered unnecessary and inhumane in many countries. It can cause pain and complications for the dog.

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It allows the lizard to regrow its tail.

Can i dock the tail and crop the ears of a Doberman in Malta?

You can dock the tail and crop the ears of a doberman anywhere in the world. The only thing that you might want to do is to make certain that there are no local ordinances against it.

How do you defeat the sword of knowledge?

First, cut off 1 tail and 2 replace it. Next, cut off 2 tails and a head grows in. Then, cut off 2 heads and then 2 more and then there are no heads but 2 tails. After that, cut off 1 tail and 2 replace it. Next, chop off 2 tails and a new head grows in. Then, cut off 1 tail and 2 replace it. After that, chop off 2 tails and a head grows. Finally, cut off your last 2 heads and you are left with nothing but a dead drogon.