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Q: How do you deal with a child that is ADHD who throws a tantrum when he does not want to go home?
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How do you deal with a child with anger that has ADHD?

Really it depends on the child I'd say ask your child's doctor he/she should be able to help.

How can ADHD be avoided?

The cause of ADHD is not known, the best effect on the child well-being is detecting it early and adjusting school and teaching it strategies to deal with it.

Ways to deal with ADHD?

Yes, there are certain behavioral therapy techniques that can be used on a child with ADHD. A lot of it has to do with reminding them when they are having a "moment," or keeping them occupied constantly to avoid outbursts.

Is there a website that offers more information on the ADHD diet for children?

WebMD has a section on ADHD, which includes diet suggestions for children and adults. There is also a site called ADHD awareness that has some pieces about nutrition. Many ADD/ADHD people self-medicate with caffeine, which should be discouraged.

How do you deal with your little sister?

your not being specific enough. like, what to do if she has a tantrum, or if your stuck babysitting...

What does it mean when people have temper tantrums?

A temper tantrum is a sudden, unplanned display of anger. During a temper tantrum, children often cry, yell, and swing their arms and legs. Temper tantrums usually last 30 seconds to 2 minutes and are most intense at the start. Temper tantrums are most common in children ages 1 to 4 years. But anyone can have a tantrum-even an adult. Ignoring the tantrums and helping a young child learn how to deal with anger and frustration are often good ways to deal with tantrums. Pay attention to what starts the tantrums.

How does a parent who is depressed and defiant deal with there child who has adhd and who is defiant also?

This parent should seek out help from the local mental health clinic/team, and possibly try to get a social worker involved to help the family out. If the child is hard to manage and cope with at times, a psychiatrist may be available to interview the child and possibly put him/her on a medication or a treatment plan. Remember not to make any rash decisions before talking to a specialist in mental/social health. The parent is luckier to have a child with ADHD rather than bipolar disorder, autism, or depression, because ADHD is very treatable and manageable with the right help.

Does adhd end?

ADHD does not end. it is a disorder that is there from birth to death. However, ADHD symptoms are not the same in people under the age of 16 as they are in over the age of 16, hence the idea that ADHD ends after childhood. there is no cure however it can be made easier to deal with by use of medication, therapy and a good psychiatrist.

How To Determine If Your Child has ADHD?

What is ADHD?ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD typically affects school age children while ADD affects adults. Children with ADHD have problems concentrating and problems pay attention to simple task they are faced with from day to day. They tend to be impulsive when playing and speaking out of turn. They become bored or frustrated with routine task. They do not stop and think before they act. While these behaviors are common in most children, it is more severe with a child that has ADHD.Identifying Signs of ADHD in ChildrenFollowing the steps below can help a parent determine if they need to discuss the possibility of their child having ADHD. By observance of day to day routine and interaction within the school can provide the a physican with the necessary symptoms and occurrences they tend to miss in routine office visits.Step 1. Watch your child. Keep a daily record of how they interact. See if 7 or more of the signs of ADHD can be identified. These signs are poor organization, short attention span, easily distracted, can not pay attention, talks and fidgets a good deal, often loses things, and forgetfulness.Step 2. Keep a record of how long the child has been experiencing ADHD symptoms. Generally these symptoms need to be ongoing for two months or more before a physician will consider ADHD as a possible diagnosis.Step 3. Determine at what age did the symptoms begin. ADHD usually occurs in children younger than 7 years of age.Step 4. Determine whether or not the child's life is greatly impacted by the ADHD symptoms. Look at both the home and school area of the child's life and determine if the overall quality can be improved with treating the condition. For example if the child is a very bright and imaginative person but continues to bring home bad grades, that could be the result of untreated ADHD.If the parent decides along with a medical professional to treat the condition, there are numerous medications out that could help the child focus and gain confidence in every day routine task.

How does a narcissist deal with a spouse with ADHD?

Well since narcissist is one who is in love with themselves and ADHD people get distracted easily well the best cure for and ADHD person is for them to get more sleep so tell them they need to get more sleep or your going to put them on tons and tons of medication

How do you discipline your child when he creates tantrums?

When a toddler is having an temper tantrum you need to put them in time out. When they go to time out tell them they will be there for 10-15 minutes ( this a lifetime for a small child) and that they are to stay where you put them. Do NOT talk to them, do not make deals, do NOT hold them, do not play with them until after the time out. When the time out is over ask them why they had time out and tell them that you love them. The first time you do this you will have to keep putting your toddler back in the time out spot, but he/she will soon learn that you mean what you say.

How do you suggest that you might have ADHD?

Tell somebody you can trust and get an appointment to talk to a psychologist. It's not that big of a deal and not scary to tell someone. There's nothing to be ashamed of if you have ADHD, just means your brain works differently...