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After you have spoken to Tom riddle, four snakes will appear and try to kill you. Simple enough, just hit them with the reductor curse. Now, you can jump up onto the platform. There are four tunnel things, and each has a wall thingy underneath it that you can use wingardium leviosa to lift it up. Now you just have to figure out which of the four holes the basilisk is going to go through. There will be a sort of silvery circle appear on the tunnel that the basilisk is going to come through. Once you have seen this, cast wingardium leviosa on the wall thingy that is below the tunnel the basilisk is going to go through. The wall thing will go up and the basilisk will crash into it, being momentarily stunned. Now you have to get off the platform and cast reducto at the basilisks head repeatedly until it retreats back into the hole. Four snakes will come back and you will have to kill them in order for the basilisk to make its reappreance. Get back on the platform and wait for the silver circle that indicates which tunnel the basilisk is going to go thru and repeat. Repeat this process until all the hearts of the basilisk are gone. Once the hearts all gone, the basilisk will destroy the gate leading to the left of the room. Run down the hall and destroy the little mini wall things but beware, the basilisks tail slams down all along the hall and don't get hit by it. You will soon reach the end of the hallway. The hall goes off to the left, right and center. Run to the end of the hallway in the center and there is a snake there that Harry can use to speak in parsletongue. This will make another snake on the far left end of the hallway and you can use that to speak in parsletongue. After you do that, the third and final snake will appear in the far right side of the hall. Avoid the basilisks tail. Speak in parsletongue to it and three new floating platforms will appear at the end of the hall in the center. Run up to them and cast the charm that makes objects come down and jump onto it when the blue arrows appear. Now do the same for the rest of the remaining floating platforms. Then jump onto the nearest platform and keep going in order until that little silver circle appears at a hole in the wall. The basilisks head will come out of it. Wait for it to retreat back into the hole, then keep jumping from platform to platform. Now the basilisks head will come out of another hole, barricading you from going any further, but a snake picture will appear on the hole the basilisk came out of earlier. Go back to it and speak in parsletongue. The basilisk will station itself back to the first hole it came out of. Jump off the platform and keep jumping on platforms wherever there are blue arrows. Once you are on a platform that is higher than the others, the basilisks tail will be in the way. Shoot the tail with reducto and it will momentarily disappear. This gives you the chance to cross past the next platform. Jump on to the next platform, then the next, and On this platform you will be able to cast wingardium leviosa on it, but dont cast it. It won't help you. The basilisk's tail is in the way, shoot it with reducto. Move onto the platform where the basilisks tail was, and the basilisk will move to a different hole. Keep jumping from platform to platform and there will be another picture of a snake indicating that Harry can control the basilisk with parsletongue. Speak to it In parsletongue. The basilisk will disappear for a second, then appear in the hole in front of the platform you are standing on, so quickly jump onto the next remaining platforms. Now you can jump onto the top of the statue and you will see a white thing. Destroy it and the sword of griffindor will appear where the white thing used to be. Cast wingardium leviosa on it and it will fly up and land in the basilisks head therefore killing it.

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11y ago
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14y ago

You have to use Flipendo to knock it on its backside, then use rictusempra to knock it into the little opening in the level and push it in there. For a King Fire Crab, you need to use Flipendo twice.

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14y ago

Put the fire crab out with the aqua spell then jinx it.

firstly, you need to get its fire out. to achieve this, you need to use 'aqua erupto' as this will eventually make its fire go out. then press the jinx button ('x' button on the playstation 2) as this will make it 'pop' and disappear. there you go, you have sucessfully killed the fire crab

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16y ago

When the fire crab lifts up its shell and is blasting you with fire, hit it with the A button (confundus) over and over again. It will take a few goes to get it, so run around in circles until the message pops up telling you to get together and hit it with Aqua-something. When that message pops up hit the L button, and press and hold on the B button until it rolls over and dies. Then levitate the shell thru the gate and use it to cross the stream. For the second crab, do the same, but the message will not pop up telling you when to change over to the B Aqua button, so look for when your hits are no longer makes a big flash.

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6y ago

Using the gravestones to hide behind, shoot spells at Voldemort and Dodge his attacks. When Voldemort has his shield up (wisps of blue smoke) he cannot be harmed. Voldemort will be then weakened and you will have to time your spells in order to make the wands connect. Once the wands have connected, the level will end.

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13y ago

Stand behind the rope where you feed him for the third time and then cast reducto (the one which blows things up) at them.

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13y ago

When you're in Hogsmeade you throw snowballs at him with Wingardium Leviosa. When theyre coming at you just click the spell

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Q: How do you deal with a fire crab in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC game?
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For boys: Al Rockefeller Goliath Manny Woodstock Pokey Peanut Elvis Buddy Buster Bubba David Lion King Shawnly Harry Potter Girls: Hannah Peppermint Aqua Sally Kandy Davis Leona Jaunita Anita Golly

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