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Q: How do you deal with a stressor?
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Related questions

What is the process by which the body prepares to deal with a stressor?

fight or fight.

What is considered a biological stressor?

A biological stressor has to do with the organism - things like illness, disability, and so on that affect the ability to deal with the environment.

What is psychological deflective behavior?

Psychological deflective behavior refers to a defense mechanism in which individuals avoid taking responsibility for their actions or emotions by shifting blame or making excuses. It can manifest as denial, rationalization, projection, or avoidance of discussing difficult topics. Engaging in deflective behavior can hinder personal growth and relationships.

Is heat a chemical stressor?

Heat is a physical stressor.

What is the difference between a biological stressor and an environment stressor?

A biological stressor is an internal stressor like illness, disability, and injury. An environmental stressor is a condition or event in your physical environment that cause you stress like pollution, poverty, crowding, noise, and natural disasters.

Which is a stressor you can control?

which is a stressor you can control

What is a cataclysmic stressor?

Strong stressor that occurs suddenly, affecting many people at once

What emotional and cognitive effects might the stressor produce?

It depends on what the stressor is and how long it continues.

What is stressor?

It is a tension.

A stressor is?

an event

What is a good sentence for stressor?

A looming deadline can be a significant stressor for many individuals, causing feelings of pressure and anxiety.

What is biological stressor?

When an organism is found outside its natural habitat by design or accident, it is known as a biological stressor. One example for biological stressor is the Dutch elm disease causing fungus.