

How do you deal with an abused cat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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you love it with all your heart, be gentle, and let it know you love it.

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Q: How do you deal with an abused cat?
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It all depends on the cat itself, if a cat in Germany was abused it would sound different from a cat from the U.S. which was not abused, but if same physical condition and same species and same sex most likely not.

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no but now you have to deal with catdog hybrid baby

How do cats know where they use to live?

they have a very good memory and if the cat had a bad owner that abused the cat the cat would remember also if the cat had a really nice owner the cat would remember but lets say the cat had an owner that worked full time......and the cat never saw the owner then it would not remember.