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Keep it on a regular routine so it is used to you feeding and watering it daily. Keeps its cage clean. Set limits to how long you handle it. Play with it in the evening since they are nocturnal. Wash your hands before you handle it so you are not passing as many germs. Keep its habitat somewhere controlled and quiet if possible. Do not handle it all the first few days it is in a new cage or after it is first brought home.

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Q: How do you decline hamster stress?
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How does a hamster get a wet tail?

a hamster will get wet tail from stress or because it is unhappy or because your hamster does not have enough space to play in :)

If the hamster has stress will it get sick?

When a hamster gets stressed, many factors have already attributed to this since it has already happened. A lot of the time, a hamster will get sick when stressed. If you have a mother hamster who is stressed, then she might eat her babies.

Could a hamster lose hair from no attention?

Stress is the main reason why hamsters lose fur. Another reason could also be from scratching the area. It depends in what sort of attention you mean. If the hamster has not been fed or cleaned or given water then yes, this will cause the hamster great stress. If you mean the hamster has not been taken out of its cage and played with there is a possibility that this is causing the hamster stress. Hamsters do need attention in that respect and it could cause them stress from being alone and trapped in a small cage for a long period of time. If you think the hair loss is from something else then you should take the hamster to the vets. The best way to avoid this is by taking the hamster out the cage regularly and giving it some attention.

Will a mother hamster really eat her babies?

yes, they do when they are under immense stress

Why is your hamster bitting his hair off his back?

That kind of behavior indicates stress or sickness.

Why did my pregnant hamster died before giving birth?

It mite of been a big stress for her to give birth.

Why should you clean a nest when the mother hamster is nursing?

NEVER ever do that! The mother will get freaked out and stress for her babies' safety

What do you do when a hamster is prgnet?

You make sure she has plenty of food and water and do not hold her or play with her too much to reduce stress.

Is it better to get your hamster out on the day you get it or a few days later?

no dont get your hamster out for 2-3 days after you get it. you need to let it get used to its surroundings first or you will stress or scare it and it will be harder to tame! i have had 4 hamsters so i am experienced in handeling!

If your dwarf hamster got tangled up in his wheel what can you do until you can take him to the vet?

Try to keep him calm and stop any bleeding that he may have. Talk to your hamster with soft, soothing voices to keep it calm. Don't put ice on it. It will just shock the hamster even more and will be under lots of stress.

Is it normal for a hamster to bite cage or is it a sign of illness?

Yes, hamsters bite there cage. Mine doesn't but I know someones hamster that does. Try picking it up when it does that or shoo it off the cage.

Can you throw a hamster up in the air?

No no matter what that is very crucial to your hamster.