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By making your life high like ruby ring relic, to make your power high,to make your armor and agility high,and to have at least 8 black belts in your clan.

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Q: How do you defeat mecha genbu?
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if you click on defeat genbu on the left side it will happen in a few days

When do you fight the mecha genbu on ninja warz?

Lv 35 to fight mecha genbu and i know a cheat if u only have 1 white belt ninja then when you attack a boss or enemy you always win if u press skip , and you unlock a secret achivement called "never judge a ninja by its belt "

How do you fight mecha- genbu in ninja wars?

To fight Mencha-Genbu in Ninja Warz you have to be Level 35+ and I would recommend you to have very, very strong weaponary and at least 10 black belted ninjas. ---------- DanielValle2222

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play as either baragon or anguris on invasion level and defeat king ghidorah and then play the level mecha king ghidorah and defeat him and unlock for the store.

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One thing that will help in your battle against jameson is having a multilevel mecha and good and strong levels. What I mean by multilevel mecha is a mecha that will game HP and EP everytime you level up. EX. Monthly Mecha

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You must defeat the mothership with mecha godzilla. You unlock orga.

Where to get the resplendent eagle mecha in

we need to get to planet lagos and first we need to tell prince robert and view the cutscene , next get to final showdown and defeat constantine and open shop and mecha and you ve get the resplendent eagle .

How do you fight genbu in ninja warz?

To fight 'Genbu' in Ninja Warz you must be Level 15, and also you must have strong ninjas and weapons. 'Genbu' is a tortuise from the north, he is one of the bosses along with other ones. ------------------ uBradz

How do you find ninja warz bosses?

At specific levels, the bosses would appear on an island for you to fight.Heikinteki Josei or School Girl, is the first boss you will encounter. Heikinteki Josei has 350 health. You will get a lunchbox (8.93 dps, faster) and 5 karma for defeating her.The next boss appears at level 15, and it is Genbu. It has 2600 health. You will get a relic "Genbu's Scale" (+10% critical hit chance and +8% attack speed) and 10 karma after defeating it. If you defeat it with food weapons, you will gain an additional 10 karma.At level 25, you meet Tondeiru Josei, a small child with a big sword. After defeating her, you will earn 10 karma and earn a Daikatana (20.14 dps, normal). If you fight her again and deal the killing blow with her own sword, you will gain 10 karma.The final boss, at level 35, is Mecha-Genbu. It has 35000 heath, so watch out! When you defeat it, you gain 10 karma. If you defeat it after it launched its nuke, but before it lands, you gain 10 karma. If you defeat it after it launched its nuke and it lands, you gain an additional 10 karma. After defeating it, you earn a Laser Visor (40.5 dps, normal).

When was MEChA created?

MEChA was created in 1969.

Where can you fight genbu in ninja wars?

You can only fight Genbu when you are level 15 on Ninja Warz, also I recommend you to have atleast two black belts and strong weaponry. ----------- uBradz