

How do you describe the electron cloud model of the atom?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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the middle looks like there are a bunch of balls glued together and the outside looks like your looking in a glass of orage juce.

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Q: How do you describe the electron cloud model of the atom?
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a nucleus in an electron cloud.

What is a detailed explanation of the electron cloud model?

Scientist use the electron cloud model to represent an atom.In the electron cloud model, an atom has two distinct regions-the nucleus and the electron cloud.

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How is the electron cloud related to the modern model of an atom?

The atom where we are most likely to find an electron. this area is called the electron cloud.

What is the currents model of the atom called?

The Electron Cloud model

Why is the current atomic model calles electron cloud model?

The electron cloud model best describes the organization of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

Why is the current atomic model called the electron cloud model?

The current atomic model is called the electron cloud model because it describes electrons not as particles located at specific positions, but as existing within a cloud-like region around the nucleus, where they are most likely to be found. This model acknowledges the dual wave-particle nature of electrons and provides a more accurate representation of their behavior in an atom.

Why is the current atomic model called electron cloud model?

The electron cloud model best describes the organization of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

What contribution to atomic theory resulted from Albert Einsteins work?

a new model of the atom that describe electrons as being in a cloud

The electron cloud model describes the of electrons in an atom?

The model is applied to movement and position of electrons in the atom.

What is suggested as a new model of a atom?

A electron cloud, a electron, protron,neutron,and the nucleus

What are features of the electron cloud model of an atom?

An electron's exact position cannot be pinpointed.