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it means whether it is viable or is it acceptable. Plausibility also tries to see if there is any proof/truth to a statement. You happy?

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Q: How do you describe the meaning of plausibility?
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Which does NOT describe the meaning of plausibility?

stop cheating on Plato LOSER haha! that means you cheat too! (ignorant)

Does not describe the meaning of plausibility?

Something worthy of praise., The quality of being plausible; speciousness., Anything plausible or specious.

Does believable describe the meaning of plausibility?

Something worthy of praise., The quality of being plausible; speciousness., Anything plausible or specious.

A noun meaning possibility?

chance, danger, feasibillity, likelihood, odds, oppourtunity, plausibility, probability

What is the plausibility of a human landing on the moon?

Since 12 men have walked on the moon's surface, the plausibility is 100%. Obama is no Jack Kennedy, so we won't be going back on his shift. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.

A claim's initial plausibility is assessed by what?

It is generally reasonable to accept the claim if it does not conflict with our store of background information and if it comes from a reliable source.A claim's initial plausibility is a measure of how well it "squares" with our background information and our own observations.

How can you use plausible in a sentence?

Your theory has plausibility, but we need to test it.

What is the meaning of describing?

of Describe

How would you describe the meaning of sharing and meaning?

what the maening of adition

What are some words that have the same meaning as describe?

I know that one word that has the same meaning as describe/description would be depiction.

What is a description?

The meaning of something. A description is when you describe something.a description is when you describe something.

What is abductive reasoning?

Abductive reasoning is the determination of the plausibility of an action based upon supplied evidence.