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The old man was a gnarled oak tree, weathered and stooped like a well-worn book with pages yellowed by time. His eyes were like fading constellations, and his voice rumbled like distant thunder, carrying the weight of years gone by.

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Q: How do you describle an old man using similes and metaphors?
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rife plan, wife clanahn, an, ane, ann, anne, bahn, ban, banh, bann, blan, blann,bran, brann, caen, cahn, can, cann, cannes, chan, clan, dahn, dan,dann, duan, fan, fann, flan, flann, fran, gahn, gan, gann, glahn,gnann, grahn, gran, han, hann, jaan, jahn, jan, jan., jann, kan,kann, kanne, klahn, klan, klann, krahn, lahn, lan, lann, mahn, man,mann, manne, nan, pan, phan, plan, pran, quean, quran, rahn,ran, ranh, rann, san, scan, shan, spann, stan, stann, tan, tann,than, thanh, tran, van, vann, whan, whan, yahn, yan, zahn, zan,beagan, beaudin, beef man, beer can, began, began, best man,bhutan, black man, blind man, boivin, bouman, bourquin, bousman,boutin, cave man, cezanne, chapin, chauvin, con man, couchman,cow man, cruzan, cspan, cyan, deignan, diahann, diane, dianne,divan, doran, drip pan, duignan, dupin, duran, dyan, dyane,end man, ent man, fayanne, floor plan, for an, front man,game plan, gaudin, gaulin, gauvain, gauvin, gayman, gay man,georgann, geurin, ground plan, harpin, hit man, iran, japan,joann, joanne, jourdan, lapan, lappin, lausanne, leann, less than,liane, lianne, louanne, loudin, lyanne, lyanne, macmahon, mactan,maupin, mcan, mccahan, mccan, mccann, mcfann, mcgann, mchan,mcmann, mcshan, milk can, moisan, moran, more than, moulin,old man, outman, outran, pecan, petain, point man, poor man,poulin, quillman, quite an, rattan, red man, rich man, rodin,rosanne, roseanne, roussin, roxanne, ruthann, san-fran, saran,sea fan, sedan, spokane, sports fan, spray can, straight man,straw man, stunt man, sudan, susann, susanne, suzanne,tien shan, time plan, tin can, toussaint, trash can, vantran, voisin,wenfan, white man, wild man, wise man, you can, young man, age of man, ariane, attic fan, backup man, battle plan, better than,black and tan, career man, carryanne, chinese shan, city man,coffee can, college man, common man, conjure man, corner man,deguzman, divorced man, dripping pan, exhaust fan, fall of man,fancy man, feral man, french sudan, frying pan, garbage can,garbage man, genus pan, gloriane, harmattan, hatchet man,hired man, holdup man, holy man, intertan, isle of man, java man,jean chauvin, kazakhstan, kellyanne, ku klux klan, ladies' man,leading man, liliane, lookout man, lucianne, luggage van, many an,marianne, married man, maryann, maryanne, master plan,mcmahon, minivan, modern man, mountain man, moving van,muffin man, navy man, other than, outdoor man, overran,party man, peking man, pension plan, peter pan, piltdown man,pivot man, police van, preacher man, railroad man, railway man,raisin bran, rewrite man, secret plan, section man, soda can,soloman, solo man, sporting man, stewing pan, travel plan,warming pan, wealthy man, working man, yellow man, bank of japan, broth of a man, catamaran, commission plan,company man, confidence man, customer's man, electric fan,enlisted man, family man, fingerprint man, gingerbread man,government man, heidelberg man, installment plan,maintenance man, medical man, medicine man, miracle man,passenger van, property man, remittance man, renaissance man,rhodesian man, sea of japan, stock purchase plan,unmarried man, vigilance man, watering can, worship of man, alluvial fan, american plan, delivery van, elevator man,european plan, mechanical man, military man, neanderthal man,publicity man, retirement plan, utility man, architectural plan, capital of japan, capital of sudan,electric frying pan, organization man, public relations man, republic of the sudan, employee stock ownership plan, modified american plan

What penalty will a 59-year-old man face for withdrawing funds from his IRA?

A 59-year-old man will typically face a 10% early withdrawal penalty for taking funds out of his IRA before the age of 59 1/2, in addition to income taxes on the withdrawn amount. However, there are certain exceptions to this penalty, such as using the funds for qualified educational expenses or first-time home purchases. It is advisable for the man to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional for personalized advice.

How do you say old man in cantonese?

Old man((venerable) old man/Toisan): abok (emphasis on the first syllable)

How do you say old man in tagalog?

Tagalog translation of old man: matandang lalaki

What is the pronoun for old man?

"He" is the pronoun typically used for an old man.

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How do you describe an old man using metaphors and similes?

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In "Abuelito Who" by Sandra Cisneros, some similes include "chasing us like a barking dog" and "sweet as a bird," comparing characteristics to other things. Metaphors include phrases like "a rocking chair of a man," where a direct comparison is made between two unlike things without using "like" or "as."

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The poem "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes contains several similes throughout the text, which are figures of speech that compare two things using the words "like" or "as." There isn't a specific count of the similes, but they can be found in lines such as "like a bird on the wing" or "like a dog on a scent."

Are there any similes or metaphors in a Jack London story?

Yes, in Jack London's famous story "To Build a Fire," there are several metaphors and similes used to convey the harshness of the Yukon wilderness. One example is the comparison of the man's movements to those of a marionette, emphasizing his lack of control in the face of nature's power.

What are some similes and metaphors in pride prejudice?

Some examples of similes in "Pride and Prejudice" include comparing Mr. Darcy to a "man of fortune" and Elizabeth's eyes to "brilliant sallies." Metaphors in the novel include describing Mr. Bingley's love as a "predilection" and alluding to Mr. Collins's obsequiousness as a "sea of troubles."

Does when i was your man by Bruno Mars have similes in it?

no the song does not have any similes in it

Can you write some good similes and metaphors for your story character who is a lonely Edwardian schoolgirl with short bobbed hair and brown eyes?

You're the only one who can "see" your characters, so our descriptions would not match what you are picturing in your mind. Similes will take the form of "as ___ as ___" or "like ____." You can compare your schoolgirl to whatever you wish in order to describe her fully, but you're the best one to come up with the similes and metaphors!Of course I can! And just to prove it here's one.Eyes as brown and rich as cream dabbed coffee, so swirled in warmth and sweetness that a man could drown in them forever.And how did you know I was writing a story about a lonely Edwardian schoolgirl with short bobbed hair and brown eyes?

Similes and metaphors in the book hoot?

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What is the meaning of the phrase figurative language?

Figurative language is the non-literal use of language. Examples: The old man is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Also: The mother fought like a tigress for custody of her children.

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