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If something is indestructable, it cannot destroyed.

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Q: How do you destroy something indestructable?
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How do you destroy indestructible cards in magic?

The only way to 'destroy' them is to lower the toughness of an Indestructable creature to 0. This will cause them to be destroyed. There are some minor exceptions too - the Legend rule and Planeswalker Uniqueness rule can both destroy indestructable cards. On the other hand, you can bounce indestructable cards back to hand, steal control of them, remove them from the game, etc, there are still plenty of options.

What has happened your minecraft wont let you destroy a block?

Could be Bedrock, that's indestructable, unless you are on Creative mode.

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No, there are no indestructable objects, although some objects would be very difficult to destroy (for example, it would be impossible for human beings to destroy the sun, although in theory, with sufficiently advanced technology, it could become possible).

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the phrase is used to describe something that is indestructable. the nail will not be affected by the fire from the candle, and therefore the same idea is used to describe something else outside the pun.

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"Plexiglas" (acrylic resin) is a "plastic".

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You destroy something

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It's not indestructable

Is Alex rider invincible?

NO...........................................................................HE's Indestructable!

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In theory, you can't destroy something and then destroy it again...

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Is an atom indestructable?

No. Atoms can be broken down into subatomic particles.

If you cast 'Pendrell Flux' on an indestructible card what happens Does the owner have to continue paying its cost or can it be sacrificed?

'Indestructable' means the permanant cannot be destroyed by 'destroy' effects, or by lethal damage. It cannot stop the card being destroyed by the Legend Rule, or having a toughness of 0 or less. It also does not stop a card from being sacrificed, as that is not a destroy effect.