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The term "retarded" is considered outdated and offensive. Instead, it's important to focus on understanding a person's individual strengths and challenges through proper assessments and evaluations conducted by qualified professionals, such as psychologists, to determine if they have any intellectual or developmental disabilities. Using person-first language and respectful terminology is crucial in fostering inclusive and respectful communication.

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Q: How do you determin if someone is retarded?
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How do you know if your friend is retarded?

It is not appropriate to use the term "retarded" to describe someone's intellectual abilities. If you are concerned about your friend's cognitive functioning, it may be helpful to approach the topic with sensitivity and seek professional advice from a healthcare provider or mental health professional.

Is it ok to pick on mentally retarded peaple?

No, it is never ok to pick on or make fun of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Everyone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their abilities. It is important to be understanding, empathetic, and inclusive towards all individuals.

What is the IQ range of profoundly retarded individuals?

The IQ range of profoundly retarded individuals is typically below 20. This level of intellectual disability is characterized by significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a need for intense support in daily activities.

Are you retarded if your friends call you retarded?

It is not appropriate for friends to use hurtful language like "retarded" towards each other. It is important to have open communication and set boundaries with friends about what language is respectful and supportive. If you feel uncomfortable with the language your friends are using, it's important to address it with them and seek out relationships built on mutual respect.

Is marriage retarded?

Marriage is a personal choice that can bring fulfillment and companionship to individuals. It is not appropriate to use the term "retarded" in this context as it is derogatory and offensive. It is important to respect individuals' decisions regarding marriage and to use respectful language when discussing the topic.

Related questions

Is there tests to find out if someone is retarded?

Yes there are tests that a psychologist can administer to determine if someone is retarded and how severe the problem is.

If a person has a IQ of 88 are they handicap?

No. Someone with less than 70 is considered retarded.

What do you do if the guy you like thinks you are retarded?

Give up on him. Find someone that likes you. There are many fish in the sea.

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Would someone with an IQ of 60 be considered mentally retarded?

Most states would consider that to be mentally challenged.

Can only a living thing be retarded?

As in mentally retarded, yes, only something with a brain can be mentally retarded. The GROWTH of plants can be retarded, which means they are not growing as fast as they should.

What portion of the mentally disabled are classified as moderately retarded?

About 10% of the mentally retarded population is considered moderately retarded.

How can you tell if you are retarded?

You won't know unless you have been clinically diagnosed. Intellectually challenged or mental disability is more appropriate, referring to someone as retarded is politically incorrect, derogatory and very offensive.

What is the difference between the terms 'idiot' and 'moron?

A moron is someone who is mentally retarded to a certain extent but can still function in a society. An idiot is more severely retarded and is incapable of functioning. Such terms are not used today and are considered politically incorrect.

How do geologists determin risk?

by using a Richter scale

What portion of the mentally disabled are classified as mildly retarded?

Approximately 85% of the mentally retarded population is in the mildly retarded category.

Is the Retarded Policeman on YouTube really retarded?

Josh Perry (Ponce), the actor who portrays the Retarded Policeman on YouTube, has Down Syndrome.