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it has a dry nose

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Q: How do you determine if the animal is sick if the animal has a virus disease?
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What does vaccination produce?

When a vaccine is given to an animal, the animal's immune system produces antibodies to fight off the disease. This way, if the animal is ever infected by the disease it was vaccinated against, the animal will either not get sick or not get as sick.

How do you determine that an outbreak of a disease is not associated with our vaccine virus?

Almost no vaccines carry any active part of a virus- most are inactivated virus, dead virus, or only a piece of the virus, therefore it would be impossible to get sick from the disease the virus is protecting against, and therefore also impossible to then transmit that disease. This theory is a myth of vaccine safety. See the related link for more information.

What does a vaccine produce?

When a vaccine is given to an animal, the animal's immune system produces antibodies to fight off the disease. This way, if the animal is ever infected by the disease it was vaccinated against, the animal will either not get sick or not get as sick.

Do animals give you virus to not give birth?

if animal is born sick it may cause any type of virus

How can you tell if an animal has a disease and could you catch it yourself if you eat?

Depends on the disease. Every disease has its own identity. Some diseases will make the animal sick, some will make you sick, some will make both you sick, some will effect neither, some will effect only one, some will effect you and the animal differently. Generally speaking, don't eat a sick animal because you will probably get sick or die too

What is the animal that never gats sick?

a Hippo because it carries it's own disease's

Can you have the same virus more than once?

No. Your body will build antibodies everytime you get a disease. Once your antibodies are built, they will destroy the virus before you can get sick. The reason you stay sick for a little bit is because the antibodies are being created.+

If a ferret has Aleutian disease virus and is very sick should he be put to sleep?

If your ferret is very sick, and is not able to perform regular activities, Yes, because he will not recover from Aleutian disease and there is no need for your ferret to suffer and be in pain. I'm so sorry your ferret is sick.

Robert koch isolated bacteria and injected them into an animal to see if they caused a disease?

Koch's postulates, named after Robert Koch, outline the procedure to determine if a bacteria is the cause of the disease. The four steps involved, taking a sample from sick animal growing specimen in the lab, injecting isolated bacteria into healthy animal to test whether the bacteria was the root cause.

Will you get sick if you drink out of the same cup as a sick person?

Yes, it's likely that you might get the same disease passed onto you if the disease is contagious, as the sick person's saliva contains the virus/bacteria that can also get you sick when you ingest it. But some disease cannot be spread that way, as for example if the sick person is sick with HIV, you will not get sick if you drink from the same cup, but you will get sick if the person cut himself with a razor blade, for example, and somehow his blood mixed with you. You'll get sick too as HIV is only spreadable through blood to blood transmission.

Why do vets give shots to animals?

If by "shots", you mean vaccinations, then "shots" are given to allow the animal's immune system to become familiar with disease causing agents in a safe way so that they can build up an immunity. In this way, the animal's body can respond more effectively and quickly when they are exposed to a disease naturally and hopefully their body can deal with the disease causing agent (virus, bacteria, parasite) before it causes them to become sick.

How do you care for your guinea pig when he is sick?

I would probably get him checked out at the vet or animal placeIt depends what disease they have