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Circumference of the earth at particular latitude can be determined using the formula, Circumference of the earth = 2*PI*r*cos(Φ0) where r = radius of the at particular latitude r = R * (1 - ((1 / 298.25722356) * (0.5 - 0.5 * COS (2 * Φ0)))) R= radius of the earth at equator Φ0= latitude

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Q: How do you determine the circumference of the earth if you know a circumference of a smaller latitude and the number of degrees the latitude is from the equator?
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What is distance in miles at 0 degrees Latitude around the Earth?

Earth's Circumference at the Equator: 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 km) (from; 0 degrees latitude is the equator.

Unit of measure used to determine absolute location?

The unit of measure used to determine absolute location is degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. The Earth has 360 degrees at the equator.

What degrees latitude is the equator at?

A degree of Latitude is 69 miles or 110kms

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40 degrees. The equator is zero latitude.

What is co-latitude and latitude?

Latitude is the measurement of degrees from the equator to the pole so that the pole has a latitude of 90 degrees. Co-latitude is the measurement of degrees from the pole to the equator so that the equator has a latitude of 90 degrees. Also the sum of latitude and co-latitude is always 90 degrees.

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0 degrees latitude is called the Equator. 0 degrees longitude is called the Prime Meridian

What is the latitude measure of the equator?

0 degrees latitude at the equator.

What is the equators latitude?

As the Equator is an imaginary line at the greatest circumference of the Earth it's co-ordinate is 0 degrees

What is the line of latitude at 0 degrees around the middle of the globe called?

The line of latitude at 0 degrees is the equator. 0 degrees= middle both ways.To remember longitude from latitude and latitude from longitude remember this:longitude: LONG... up and down... North and Southlatitude: lat.. flat... side to side... East and West

How many degrees latitude is the equator from the poles?

The equator is 90 degrees of latitude from both poles.

How many degrees on tropic of Capricorn?

The Tropic of Capricorn is at just under 23.5 degrees south latitude. There are 90 degrees of latitude from the equator to the pole, which is one quarter of the earth's circumference. Since the earth's circumference is about 25,000 miles, one quarter of it is about 6,250 miles. The distance from the equator to the tropic is therefore approximately 6,250x23.5/90 = 1,630 miles (2,630 km). The distance from the equator to the Tropic of Cancer, at 23.5 degrees north latitude, is the same.

Zero degrees latitude?

Zero degrees latitude is the Equator.