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A cup is 8 fluid ounces. And 8 ounces is about 236.6 grams of water.

There are 18 grams of water in one mole of water, and a mole of anything contains Avogadro's number of molecules of that compound. That's 6.02 x 1023 molecules.

Our (236.6 grams of water) divided by (18 grams per mole) = 13.14 moles of water

Our (13.14 moles of water)(6.02 x 1023 molecules per mole) = 7.91 x 1024 molecules in the 8 ounce glass of water.

We had 8 ounces of water. We converted to grams. Then we looked up water to see how many grams of water there were in a mole of water. Then we found out how many moles we had in our cup of water. Then, because we knew how many molecules of water were in a mole (we know because a mole of anything is Avogadro's number of particles of that substance), we multiply to find out how many molecules of water were in the cup of water.

That's how we found that there are 7.91 x 1024 molecules in a cup of water.

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1w ago

To determine the number of water molecules swallowed from a cup of water, you would first need to know the volume of water consumed. Then, you can use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) to calculate the number of molecules, as one mole of water contains Avogadro's number of molecules.

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