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dinosaurs arent extinct just like humans they evolved into birds and lizards

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Q: How do you determine whether species were extinct or evolved for example prehistoric man isn't considered extinct because it has evolved to modern humans while dinosaurs consider extinct?
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Who kills dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs hunted and killed other dinosaurs. A few huge relatives of crocodiles, such as Deinosuchus and Suchomimus, probably hunted dinosaurs. A few of the largest mammals alive at the time, such as Repenomamus, may have hunted dinosaur hatchlings. Scientists consider birds a subdivision of dinosaurs, in which case any animal that hunts birds kills dinosaurs. Of course, prehistoric pathogens would have killed some dinosaurs through disease.

Are snakes considered dinosaurs?

Reptiles are considered to be an adapted version of some dinosaurs. Since snakes are retails then it should also be consider a (adapted) dinosaur.But snakes in particular are not usually known (or mentioned) as an (adapted) dinosaur.

Why would Paleontolgists consider dinosaurs had four chambered then a three chambered heart?

As they get a better understanding of prehistoric creatures, and more fossilised specimens are uncovered, peoples perception of what the animals physiological appearance was, changes.

Did any dinosaurs fly?

Yes. Many scientists nowadays consider birds to be dinosaurs. Animals such as pterodactyl were not actually dinosaurs.

Do dinosaurs consider as animal?

YUPDinosaurs are the ancient animals

Did dinosaurs with wings have teeth?

No dinosaurs had wings (unless you consider Archaeopteryx a dinosaur, which you could, but usually it's considered the first bird and removed from the dinosaur superorder). Pterosaurs, flying reptiles, had wings and flew. Nearly all of them (that we know of) had teeth.

Are there any living relatives of the dinosaur?

Yes. In fact birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs, and many consider them to be dinosaurs. Crocodiles are also related to dinosaurs.

What is a relive of the dinosaur?

The closest living relatives of the dinosaurs are birds. In fact, scientists consider them true dinosaurs. The second closest living relatives of the dinosaurs are crocodillians.

The name of the first flying dinosaur?

No known species of dinosaur was ever able to fly despite birds being believed to have evolved from them. The flying reptiles such as the pterodactylus, tapejara, geosternbergia and ornithocheirus etc are collectively known as 'pterosaurs'. Their taxonomy is considered different from the dinosaurs. The largest of the pterosaurs to be discovered so far is the Quetzalcoatlus.

What dinosaurs still exist?

Amazingly,birds were found out to be dinosaurs so that means the only living dinosaurs today are birds.

Did dinosaurs live 1000 years ago?

Not unless you count birds, which most paleontologists consider to be dinosaurs. Non-avian dinosaurs died out 65.5 million years ago.

Will dinosaurs ever exist again?

They still do. Many scientists consider modern birds to be dinosaurs. But it is unlikely that they will develop into anything resembling "classic" dinosaurs. Once a group of animals goes extinct it is gone forever.