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To insert a non-breaking space: Answer: " " without quotes.

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Q: How do you develop multiple spaces in HTML?
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< html > < head > </ head > < body > </ body > </ html > Without spaces.

How do you make a on peace sign HTML?

& #9774 ; all together..No spaces between "&" and #9774..No spaces in between #9774 and ";" ☮

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The biggest merit of HTML to develop a website is that it is required. You can not display a website without using some type of HTML, even when developing complex .NET pages.

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& hearts ; do that but dont put any spaces in it ♥

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use this: <br> for new lines, and use this:   for spaces

The table tag will only allow single spaced text?

Any HTML webpage automatically condenses extra spaces into one space, regardless if it's in the tag or not. To avoid this, use a non-breaking space. A non-breaking space will not be condensed, like normal spaces. ----   ----Place the above anywhere in your HTML document source, and it will create a non-breaking space. You can use multiple non-breaking spaces at once. No space is needed between the non-breaking space entity and any other entity, tag, or text. Example: (This is ok) ---- Testing  Words!  ----

Why can you not use multiple spaces spaces before text or the return key when answering a question?

Websites have to explicitly translate the multiple spaces you type into a non-breaking space character... known affectionately as " ". The reason is because the html standards developed by the World Wide Web consortium indicate that browsers should collapse multiple white-space characters into a single space. So when you enter text and submit it, e.g. "This has lots of spaces!!", the text is usually stored as is. But when the browser displays it, all of the multiple spaces are collapsed and displayed as one. The website has to render the text as "This  has     lots of    spaces!!" for it to display the way you intended. (ironically, when I first posted that, it let me put in multiple spaces in my example... but now they're not there) There are often ways to trick the site into generating the above code (sometimes simply typing   works, but not very often anymore). But most of the time, if the site you're at doesn't explicitly express multiple spaces when you type them, you're out of luck. As for return keys, usually 'return' ends up 'clicking' the submit button. To insert a return into the text, SHIFT+return usually works. See related links for more info.

What year was the world wide web born via the development of hypertext markup language HTML and who develop HTML?

1990 by Tim Bernerslee

How do you make text bigger one Tumblr?

At the bar on top of the text editor, click HTML and then add < big > (with no spaces) in front of the text you want to make bigger! Then click update. You can add < big > multiple times to make the text as big as you like.

How do you code a picture with spaces left for up to 5 text boxes as a HTML layout For Howrse?

how am i ment to know