

How do you develop webbed fingers?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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it is not something you develop you are born with it

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Q: How do you develop webbed fingers?
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What causes webbed fingers?

Doctors call this condition syndactyly. Webbed fingers or toes can be part of Turner's Syndrome, which is a chromosomal disorder that affects only females. It involves the absence of all or part of one of the sex chromosomes. Normal female chromosomes are expressed as XX. In Turner's Syndrome, the sex chromosomes are expressed as XO, to indicate that there is a chromosome missing. More commonly though, syndactyly is caused by a genetic defect, and is therefore found to run in families. It is found in both males and females who have the normal arrangement of sex chromosomes: XX for females; XY for males. There are five different types of syndactyly which are classified according to which fingers or toes are involved. This condition can be corrected by surgery, which often involves a small skin graft from another part of the body. With the milder types of syndactyly, surgery can be considered elective (that is, not strictly necessary.) However, when fusion of the fingers or toes is extensive, or when the fusion will cause deformity as the fingers and hands grow, surgery is necessary.

What is the total number of fingers used in typing lessons?

Eight fingers. Two thumbs.

What fingers are used in home keys?

The home keys are considered the middle row of characters on the keyboard, running from "a" on the left to the colon or semicolon key on the right. The pointer fingers align on the "f" and "j" keys, and the middle, ring and pinky fingers are also utilized on the same row of home keys.

Which inventor wanted to develop affordable lighting for homes?

Thomas Edison was the inventor who wanted to develop affordable lighting for homes.

Why can a foundation develop cracks?

Ground settling.

Related questions

What is another word for webbed feet?

Another word for conjoined toes/fingers (webbed) is Syndactyly.

What mammal has webbed fingers?

Many simians and lemurs have elongated fingers

What is the function of a FROGS Fingers?

it has webbed feet bl BLA

Do penguins have fingers?

No. Penguins are birds, and birds do not have fingers. Penguins have wings, which they use like flippers, and they have webbed feet.

What does webbed finger or toe repair refer to?

Webbed finger or toe repair refers to corrective or reconstructive surgery performed to repair webbed fingers or toes, also called syndactyly.

Do babies have webbed feet and hands?

yes, when they are in the womb, they develop webbed feet and hands but they still some out without it. :]

Which organelle is used when the fingers of a human embryo are at first webbed but later freed from one another?

lysosome. a babys hands are webbed while it is in the womb, and the lysosome eats away the skin in between the fingers and toes.

Why are frogs toes webbed but not its fingers?

We have canda the same to help us swim!

What does it mean when you have small webbed feet?

You inherited the genes for them to develop.

How many fingers do a proboscis monkey have?

The proboscis monkey has 10 fingers in total, 5 each per hand but its not independent. It is webbed fingers to adopt for swimming.

What is a sentence using the word apoptosis?

Apoptosis is the reason why your fingers were webbed when you were an unborn baby, but they are not webbed now. It is a genetically controlled form of death of selected cells in the body.

What is the Latin word for webbed feet?

A Latin word for joined toes or fingers is Syndactyly. The adjacent toes or fingers are joined by soft tissue in syndactyly.