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By putting only the columns that you want to display after the select clause. Example:

select colname1, colname2

from tablename;

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Q: How do you display a subset of columns in SQL?
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What are the are two sort functions for columns in SQL?

Asc & desc

What is a biclustering?

A biclustering is an event of simultaneous clustering of the rows and columns of a matrix.

What are the retrieval operations for relational databases?

Selection—retrieves a subset of rows Projection—retrieves a subset of columns Joining—combines data from multiple tables

What database functions does MS Access support?

MS Access supports most of the ANSI-92 SQL subset.

What was added to the most recent sql standard?

The most recent SQL standard came out late 2011. DDL features are one thing introduced into the newest SQL. It is used to improve the usability of generated and identity columns.

What is the use of the SQL sort?

The use of sorting information in SQL is to organize database query results. Typically the data can be sorted in either ascending or descending order. The "Order By" command can be used to sort data in SQL by multiple columns.

What basic clause in an SQL statement is used to retrieve rows and columns from tables?

The SELECT clause is used to retrieve rows and columns from tables. Ex: Select * from employee

What are some unique features of SQL web hosting?

SQL webhosting is used for websites that store and display data from a database. SQL databases can be hosted on both Windows and Linux/UNIX operating systems.

What are some typical SQL interview questions?

Some sample SQL interview questions could be the following 1. Write an SQL query to display the current date. 2. Write a SQL query to name the employees who have worked here for 5 years.

Can you add new columns to a database after creating the structure?

Columns are added to a table, not a database (which is a collection of tables). Adding a column to a table is achieved by using the Alter Table SQL command.

Describe the three retrieval operations for relational databases.?

SELECT: Retrieves data from one or more tables based on specified criteria. PROJECT: Retrieves selected columns from a table while excluding others. JOIN: Combines data from two or more tables based on a related column to retrieve information that spans multiple tables.

What training is needed to work with SQL databases?

This unique introductory SQL tutorial not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter. You will receive immediate results after submitting your SQL commands. You will be able to create your own unique tables as well as perform selects, inserts, updates, deletes, and drops on your tables. This SQL tutorial currently supports a subset of ANSI SQL. The basics of each SQL command will be covered in this introductory tutorial. Unless otherwise stated, the interpreter will support everything covered in this course.