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Buy a new toilet

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Q: How do you dissolve or remove salt deposits crust from a water closet using chemicals?
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How to remove rusty washers under faucet?

Try squirting a little white vinegar on the washers. This will dissolve any mineral deposits that are keeping them in place.

Will mutriatic acid remove hard scale deposits of of swimming pool liner?

It might or might not, but there are chemicals made by a company named scale tec that will do it.

How do you remove mothball odors from a closet?

try spraying febreeze and then put a damprid closet hanger in the closet

How does a shampoo react with dirt and grease when you use it?

The chemicals in the shampoo namely Ammonium lauryl sulfate and Sodium lauryl sulfate dissolve dirt and remove it from the hair.

What to do eliminate mustache in women?

They have creams at your local pharmacy that can remove the for weeks with just applying it. It have chemicals that like dissolve your hair follicles or something. Go check it out

How do chemicals remove stains?

The chemical will what is know as a solvent, a solvent is something that things can dissolve into. So the chemical dissolves the stain. Some stain removers work by breaking down the chemical that makes up the stain into something that can dissolve. Once the stain is dissolved a rinse under water will remove it.

How do you remove mineral deposits in a cast iron teapot?

You can remove mineral deposits from your teapot with a mild vinegar solution.

What chemical will remove chewing gum from clothes and why?

Nothing it is literally impossible unless you have a super power (like flying)

What is another word for remove gradually?

To dissolve

What rinses the eyes and face with water to remove chemicals?

Water rinses the eyes and face if water is used to remove chemicals.

What is a closet auger?

A plumbing snake used to remove a clog in a toilet.

How to remove dark deposits around the root of teeth?
