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Questions that have long confusing answers and follow up questions are usually the way to go, like when in science, say something like, "Miss/Sir, I heard somewhere that a man literally burst into flames on Christmas Day and died, can that really happen?" the teacher will usually give some long boring answer, but pretend to be interested, if he/she says a simple one word answer, opt for the follow up question, eg. But how can that happen? Using the word "how" will usually make the teacher explain. If in algebra, make up some really confusing question, but make it seem uncomplicated in your mind, eg. But what if x was the same as y[squared]? Could you just write y[squared] as x? Something like this can be easy to follow through.

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Q: How do you distract teachers?
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Another word for distract is Perturb.

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Distrahere - to distract

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Yes, distract does have a suffix. The suffix is -act.

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Does a Dog distract you from your studies?

If you train them to be quiet then I think they won't distract you.

What is the present tense of distract?

I/you/we/they distract. He/she/it distracts. The present participle is distracting.

Can you get a sentence using the word distract?

A bee in the car may distract you. The new filly tried to distract the stallion's attention away from his harem.

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The base word of distract is distract because stract isn't a word, so the full word is distract