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First get the binoculars and place them on the ledge. And when the guard has gone both ways and is just coming back click them. You will see some numbers memorize them or write them down. Now go back to digg with the flowers pull down some berries and put them near the scent flower.Now go back and when the guard turns his back the first time get an object on the ground and get back quickly and get the other on the next side. Now get the rubber band and stick it on the sides. And put the coconut shell n the middle. Then get the scented berries and place them beside digg. Grab a berry and hit fly nests with the berry. When it says you should hit the guard aim at him get him and flys chase him and he is gone so put in the numbers and your done

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12y ago
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12y ago

1.get a catapult;

2.get some Oranges

3.shoot them at the guard

4.he will get distracted '

thank you and my name is:scaretactics

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Q: How do you distract the guard on binweevils?
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How do you distract the guard on mission 1 on binweevils?

you chuck the coconuts at the trees and then the orange things fall down and distract him

What do you do after you distract the guard on binweevils in mission one?

If you havent placed the binoculars on the right wall and clicked them to see the code you need to get inside the temple then you need to start again, use the binoculars to see the guard type in the numbers,make a note of them!, then distract him using the berrys,he will fall off the wall when the flies pester him,run in and type in the number, click the door and your in.

How can you distract the guard on bin weevils?

Shoot the guard with berries

How do you distract binweevils temple guard?

you put down the rubber band you find when you are looking for the pieces and then go into the place where diggs is standing and then take the berries to get sprayed by the smelly plant then stick it on the rubber band. then use the binoculars and look at what the code is and enter that in and your in.

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You distract him.

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you hit the guard with berrys

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you get the flys on him

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You need to distract the guard by phoning the nearby payphone.

How do you make the guard move at the sixth gym?

You have to find out what the guard likes then use that method to distract him.You can contact me at at

What do you do in binweevils mission of the missing pet?

get the elastic band a coconut:) put the berries on the elastic band and shoot at the nest then the guard

Where is the catapult on binweevils bin pet mission?

while the guard isnt looking take the coconut and the elastic band and put them on a stick

How do you get past the guard on the temple on binweevils?

Scent the berries with a scent flower and build the catapult, fire the berries at the bee hives and then fire them at the guard, this will give you time to go up and get in.please note: Before splattering the guard with berries, look through the binoculars and see what code the guard types in.