

How do you do F2L?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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10y ago

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The fasted way to do F2L is by using part of Fridrich's method. The best tutorial for this I know of is here: Badmephisto's Cubing Site: F2L

With the above method, instead of putting in the top corners then the edges, you're putting both in at once. Please note that this is a much more advanced way of doing it, if you're only a beginner with the 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube, check out the official Rubik's Cube website: Rubik's Official Website.

In case you didn't know, F2L stand for First 2 Layers.

~Clever Cuber

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Here's one method that may impress some of your friends who can't figure it out: get a cube that is already solved. Videotape yourself quickly and frantically unsolving it. Go as long as you like. Then figure out how to play the video backwards. Be sure you don't do anything while taping that will make your trick obvious, like someone casually walking bakwards through the frame, or "pouring" a liquid from a glass back into the bottle. OK, people will catch on, but some may take a little extra time.

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There are many different methods for solving a Rubik's Cube, the most popular one is called the Jessica Fridrich method. Solving a Rubik's Cube is not actually that difficult, it just takes some effort and patience at first--but after you learn it is actually quite easy. Don't give up, nearly anyone can get it if they put forth the effort. View the sources and related links (below) to learn how to solve a rubiks cube. Remember it takes time and practice.

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Everyone please post their average time of doing it at least doing it a few times Put how fast you did it each time(or just give us the average) Then tell us how many times you did it DdKiller My average is about 45 seconds =( I'm slow compared to my friends. They're averages are about 30 seconds. My best is 1.17 but most of my friends are at about 50 seconds.

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You lubricate it with a silicon spray that you can buy at a hardware store or auto shop.Do not use petrolium product because they will just eat the cube.Another thing to consider is get a differt type of rubiks cube which you can buy at

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