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Q: How do you do cocaine without sniffing?
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Related questions

How does sniffing cocaine cause a perforated septum?

Sniffing cocaine causes a perforated septum by continuous use of the drug, tissues in the nose are deprived of blood and die.

Is sniffing crack like sniffing cocaine?

You can't snort crack. I mean, I suppose you could try. But that's not how people do it. Regular cocaine can be snorted OR smoked, but crack cocaine is only smoked. It was actually invented to be an easier-to-smoke form of cocaine.

What are the different ways of using cocaine?

You can you use by sniffing it,or by eating it

How can you remain sexually aroused while sniffing cocaine?

That's what Viagra and cialis are for.

What star ended up with one nostril after sniffing cocaine?

Whitney Houston

Why would a parrot kick the nuts and seeds out of her dish?

It's sniffing crack cocaine.

How do you test cocaine?

Do you have a specific reason for not buying a drug test? I mean for only cocaine the test is just $2.25. Here is the link

Why are bath crystals banned from new york?

People have been sniffing them to get a cocaine like high. Its like synthetic weed but instead cocaine. And up till now its just been called bath salts when sold.

Why is some cocaine powdery and some lumpy?

because it is how its been cut and/or prepared and for what. Powdery is for sniffing... lumpy, or rock, is for cooking down to shoot it up.

Can you smoke cocaine without baking soda?

Yes, should you be foolish enough to use cocaine. Cocaine should NEVER be used without medical supervision.

What are the causes of a perforated septum?

The causes of a perforated septum are wearing ornaments in the nose; sniffing cocaine; having the septum cauterized; rhinoplasty; diseases; toxic vapors.

How long does cocaine stay in your system if you drank alcohol while sniffing it?

It will remain effective and you will stay high for a few hours, but the alcohol will not effect how long it is in your system it will be completely out in 2 or 3 days.