

How do you do coon tails on hair?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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11y ago

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You get it dyed

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Q: How do you do coon tails on hair?
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Are coon tails producers that make food?

No, they are a style you can dye your hair in, that looks like raccoon tails, hence the shortened 'coon tails' :p

Why coon tails on car antenna?

because it looks awsome

Where can you get raccoon tails?

There are dozen of places on eBay that sell fake and genuine raccoon tails and coon skin hats.

How do you scene your hair?

If you have long hair then get lots of layers near the top of your head then tease each layer on top and add hairspray under each layer to make it stay up. Strighten the bottem layer and add bows or colorful coon tails or hair extentions.

How can you get coon tails without dyeing your hair and im 12 so am i old enough for that kinda stuff and also if so that i can get coon tails where is a place i can get them?

Coon-tails without dyeing? Well I hear you can use food coloring or mascara (waterproof,) if you have light to blond colored hair. If you are brunette, sorry, you will then have to bleach it or by extensions. Please get extensions and don't bleach your hair, you are too young to have nappy, frizzy hair that looks like a bird's nest. Anyways, I think any salon should do it, but why pay money when you can do it yourself. Or better yet, gather your friends and have a coon-hair get together and you girls can do each others hair. All you need is masking tap and food coloring. Just use small bunches of hair, put the tap where you don't want the food coloring to be and dab a little on the exposed hair. You may want to use gloves, food color can stain your fingers for a while. Well, that is all I know, I hope this helped and have fun. Oh, and you should tell your parents about this idea of yours, you may be 12, but you still have 6 years of living with your parents. Have fun and don't get in trouble.

From the main coon the bengal the chetoh the savannah and the toyger what is their hair type long or short?

From the main coon the Bengal the cheetah and the tiger have long type of hair.

How do you persuade your parents to let you get coon tails?

first you say mom or dad can i get coon tail and if they say no you do watever it takes to make them happy so if you need to massage their feet do it your welcome

What ducks eat coon tail moss?

excuse me sir but i believe you are mistaken ducks are herbivores and in fact do not eat coon tails it is a common misconception and is often used as a trick question

Can you use weave to do a coon tail hair style or even a punk hair style?


How much does scene hair cost?

i don't think its cost for scene hair but if your hair is short get extensions they cost here about 80.00 dollars and the coon tails 6.00 dollars and to cut my layers about 30.00 dollars and all the other stuff you want make sure your top layer is a little above your ear that's what i do anyway. :)

Where to buy coon hair extensions in the UK?

7-eleven of course

Do Maine coone cats have hair or fur?

I have a mane coon cat and he has fur.