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You can normally create a Doctor Who regeneration effect on Adobe After Effects

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Q: How do you do the Doctor Who regeneration effect?
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What you one example of regeneration?

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Is it true that the Doctor in Doctor Who will die on his 13th regeneration?

No, the writers can easily come up with a way around the 12 regeneration limit.

Will the doctor from Doctor Who turn into a woman?

Not during this regeneration, but that would be hilarious if it did!

What problem does the doctor face after regeneration?

As noted, the Doctor frequently experiences a period of physical and mental instability following regeneration and some post-regeneration experiences have been more difficult than others. Notably, the Fifth Doctor (in Castrovalva) begins reverting to his previous personalities and the Sixth Doctor experiences extreme paranoia, flying into a murderous rage and nearly killing his companion (The Twin Dilemma, 1984). The Eighth Doctor experienced amnesia as a result of post-regeneration trauma (the 1996 television movie); uniquely, the Doctor was 'not alive' at the time of this regeneration. The regeneration from the Ninth to the Tenth Doctor sees the Doctor unconscious for most of the next fifteen hours ("The Christmas Invasion"). The experience is also traumatic enough to cause one of his hearts to stop beating temporarily. The regeneration of the Tenth Doctor to the Eleventh Doctor was particularly violent, causing severe damage to the interior of his TARDIS, shattering the windows, setting the console room on fire, and causing the TARDIS to plummet towards Earth (The End of Time).

Will there be a new Doctor Who?

No. He just became a Doctor. Once he doesn't want to be the Doctor any more then he'll quit and make a regeneration episode and then a new doctor will come.

Will the Master return?

Apparently the Master will return, maybe near the 10th Doctor's regeneration.

Can a creature regain all of its toughness at the end of a turn even if it doesnt have regeneration?

If a creature's Toughness has been reduced, then the effect that reduced it will say when the effect lasts until - Infest lasts until the end of turn, some can last as long as a certain permanent remains in play. 'Regeneration' has no effect on reduced toughness. Damage on the other hand is always removed at the end of turn, you don't need Regeneration to do it. Regeneration just allows it to happen at other times too, when lethal damage is received.

What is the name of the Doctor Who episode that the tenth Doctor turns into the 11th Doctor?

It is called 'The End of Time' which was a two part special, the 10th Doctor's regeneration happening at the end of part 2.

How is Doctor Who is a time lord?

The Doctor is time lord if you have watch it then you willknow he has two heart and he is the last time lord a live he is an alive but does like an ugly green alive. he look normal human he can not died he regeneration that when go in this time machine every thing change into a different person as the doctor or some thing if he does died some one first kill him then regeneration then he or she does it to he then can regeneration once more so he will dead.

Who would win The Doctor or Chuck Norris?

Chuck Norris is the doctors final regeneration #finallyginger

How many Doctor Whos have their been Doctor Who?

There has been 13 actors who has played the role of the Doctor on Doctor Who. Also Peter Capaldi, who is currently playing the Doctor, is also the new 1st Doctor of the new 12 count regeneration cycle.

Do magnets affect regeneration?

At this moment, I am conducting research and examining this very topic. It is hard to find information. Anyway, I believe magnets do not really affect regeneration in planaria and f they do- the effect is slight and not quantifiable.