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Nouns that name qualities are abstract nouns. Some examples of abstract qualities are courage, strength, durability, honor, honesty, talent, resilience, reproach, disrespect, shame.

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Q: How do you do the nouns that name qualities?
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What names qualities and ideas?

Abstract nouns name them.

What are nouns which refer to personal qualities?

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Examples of abstract nouns for positive qualities are:braverycarefriendshiphappinesshonestyhopekindnessknowledgelovepatiencetruthunderstanding

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Examples of abstract nouns for qualities are:compassioncooperationcourtesyfriendlinesshonestyloyaltypatienceperseverancetolerancewisdom

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Abstract nouns are the words for personal qualities or general activities; some examples:arrogancebraverycharmhonestyignorancesincerityactingrunningswimmingdancinggamesport

What is a noun that is a quality?

Some nouns that are qualities are:ambitioncharmhonestypatiencereliabilitytalent

Do abstract nouns express ideas or qualities?

Yes, ideas and qualities are some of the types of abstract nouns. Abstract nouns are words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched. Abstract nouns are words for things that are learned, known, understood, thought, or felt emotionally.

What are specific nouns?

Specific nouns are specific name, place, or thing Specific nouns are specific name, place, or thing Specific nouns are specific name, place, or thing

What are the qualities of nouns?

The qualities of nouns areA person (Paul, teacher, woman,lawyer)A place (St. Louis, school, marina, Mt. Diablo)A thing (pencil, orange, homework, spider)A quality or idea (happiness, danger, justice)

What is name for descriptive words?

Descriptive words are called adjectives. Adjectives describe or modify nouns by providing additional information about their qualities, characteristics, or attributes.