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You have to hold down the "s" key and run into a blinky (pink guy) and when you die press enter 3 times quickly before you respawn. if it doesnt work, then hold down the right key until the level resets.

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Q: How do you earn Popsicles and oranges in pacxon game?
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Well....If you want to earn coins on the game you are playing go to awards. Then it says if you earn coins or not. If a game does not have awards button then you do not earn coins. I Hope this helped...Bye xD

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Depends on the game.

How do you get money on franktownrocks?

play games. You earn alot of money doing that. i can name some games you earn alot on. A skate boreding game is at the park area. its an orange music note. you earn up to hundreds. sometimes thousands. there is a cooking game at the boat house bistro its easy, and you earn alot of money. and there is a 4-in-a-row game at the barber shop so if you win you get 100 franks. if you loose you get 20 franks. there is a fruit smootie game at the fitness center. you earn alot of money there. and last but not least, there is a game at the icecream shop. you earn alot just by making icecream ordors. hope you earn tons! add me i am gretagirl3.