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he has white poops outside of that nothing. Don't worry, rodents eat lots of paper with no ill effect. It may even only be chewing it up for nesting material.

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16y ago
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1mo ago

It is not safe or recommended to eat a newspaper as it is not digestible and can cause choking or blockages in the digestive system. It is important to consume food that is safe and meant for eating.

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14y ago

humans ,the only spiecies have a membrain that when you eat paper, YOU WILL DIE!!!!

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13y ago

You eat it like you usually eat everything in your life.

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15y ago

Nothing happens its just paper

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Most likely that has a lot of germs more than money most likely. So I infer from most articles and videos I read that when consumed in large quantities will result in uncomfortableness in the stomach. And as suggested above heartburn.

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Q: How do you eat a newspaper?
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Yes,the ink inside newspaper is poisonous for Guinea Pig.

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dogs might eat newspaper because they probably get hungry.

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I think if u lay newspaper on the bottom of the cage they won't eat it, but they may chew on it. And if they do eat it, it shouldn't hurt them or anything unless they eat only the newspaper and not the food.

Why do guinea pigs eat newspaper?

Cockatiels eat newspaper because it gives them something to do. It keeps them occupied. Depending on the type of ink used in the printing of the newspaper, the ink may be hazardous to your pet cockatiel. I advise to keep newspaper away from your cockatiel - away enough so that your cockatiel cannot get a hold of it.

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To have a place to eat and to put your newspaper puzzle flat while you sip tea.

Why does rabbit urine turn white when on newpaper?

Your rabbit is exhibiting 2 behaviors: 1. He is peeing on the newspaper to stake out his territory. Rabbits are very territorial. 2. He is eating the newspaper because he is bored. DON'T LET HIM EAT NEWSPAPER. The ink is not good for him. It will make him sick.