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I like mine raw, so I cut off a half-inch slice or two, and rip the corn off with my front teeth, one bite per row of corn.

stick knives in the edges and bite trough the corn until u cant see 1

To eat corn on the cob, husk off the hairs and and boil the ears in water. Salt the corn with a little salt then butter it using a stick of butter and grab the ends of the corn. Eat off the little bits of cob and enjoy!! voila you have corn

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Q: How do you eat corn on the cob?
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Related questions

What parts of corn can you eat?

When you eat corn on the cob, the part you eat are the kernels of corn. The cob is the inedible fibrous structure to which the kernels are attached before you eat them.

Is it fattening if you eat corn on the cob and a salad then ice cream at night?

no it is not fattening if you eat corn on the cob and a salad then ice cream at night

What are you eating when you eat a cob of corn?


When you eat corn-on-the-cob are you eating seeds or fruits?

Corn on the cob is a vegetable. The seeds for this vegetable is found on the top of the stalk before the corn is picked.

What food might you eat off a cob?

You eat a pig and a nice fat horse and then yourself. Be happy!

You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it?

cobcornfruitcarcassesCorn on the cob.. you toss out the husk, cook and eat the corn, then toss away the cob. It could be chicken as well. You toss the skin, cook and eat the meat. Toss the bones.Corn on the cob.

Do more people eat corn on the cob side to side or in circles?

I've seen more people eat corn on the cob from side to side than work their way around the cob. It's easier to eat it that way, not to mention a bit faster.

How do you eat corn on the cob around or across?

=how ever you want It=

What can often can be described as on the cob?

Corn - as in "corn on the cob".

Does corn on the cob have hyphens?

Is corn-on-the-cob hyphenated?

Is it healthy to eat a raw corn on the cob?

It's not more healthy than say, boiled corn on the cob, but it's also not going to hurt you either.

Does it hurt a toddler to eat raw corn on the cob?

only on wednesdays