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Try honey, unless you are avoiding syrup because of the sugar. There are sugar free syrups that you can try. I find this revolting at breakfast, but perhaps whipped cream will do. Fresh fruits or fruit compotes work well, again taking into account whether or not you must restrict sugar intake. Try sour cream, or perhaps warmed and softened cream cheese. Maybe a mixture of sour cream and a small amount of peanut butter! I just thought of that. Don't use a lot of peanut butter; experiment. You will gag if the peanut butter taste is too strong. Maybe hollandaise sauce? Perhaps you could create a sauce with fruit juices and roux, or fruit juices and cornstarch. Roux is a mixture of flour and butter that is made ahead of time and used to make very smooth gravies and sauces.

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Q: How do you eat pancakes without syrup?
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Where to eat pancakes?

You can eat pancakes anywhere. Pancakes with maple syrup, lemon and sugar or chocolate sauce are especially good.

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What do Canadian animals eat?

Maple syrup and pancakes

Do you pour syrup on pancakes?

No, I dip my pancakes in syrup. However most people do pour syrup on their pancakes.

How do you eat a pancake?

It depends, when I have small long pancakes I use my hands and dip it in a cup of syrup. But when I have big fat pancakes I use a fork and knife. Or when I have small pancakes soaked in syrup I just use a fork. But I'm not saying how to eat them, just how I prefer how to eat them.

What do you call a thin pancake?

In Sweden we eat thin pancakes and we just call them "pancakes". The thicker pancakes we call "American Pancakes". We eat our pancakes for dinner or lunch, but we eat it with jam, not with marple syrup. Or mayby you mean Crepes which are French pancakes with a delicious filling inside.

Why was the Vietnam?

because syrup was low so people had to eat dry pancakes

How many calories are in 8 mini pancakes?

there are 346 calories in eight of your mini pancakes. this is all without any syrup or butter

If milk and cookies are compliments then what is pancakes and syrup?

"Milk + cookies" and "pancakes + syrup" are both examples of complimentary food combinations.

Does pancakes and maple syrup have potassium?


What is most popular topping on pancakes?

A:It's either syrup, or sugar

How do you write syrup in a showing sentence?

We use maple syrup on hot flapjacks.She made the thick syrup with too much sugar.The thin syrup barely clung to my pancakes.