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use no power

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Q: How do you encourage people to use less energy?
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Have people learned to use less energy?

i think people have learned to use less energy from certian things like gas, coal, or oil by using solar, wind, and water to make energy, but in general no. if anything people are using more energy than ever.

How do you encourage other people to use less electricity?

I suggest you tell them for every electricty dollar they save you will give them $10.

How have people learned how to live using less and less energy?

no. I think it can be argued that we use more energy now than we did 100 years ago. However, in the short term we are becoming more efficient in how we use our energy.

What can you do to help with the global warming?

1. encourage other to conserve 2. plant trees 3. buy energy- efficients produce 4. use less hot water 5. Use the "off " switch 6. Drive less and smart

Why are people interested in using alternative energy sources?

to stop global warming and to use less energy on there electrical bill

Why does saving energy save money?

this is because u use less energy. LESS ENERGY = LESS TO PAY

How do you use a energy pack on Mafia Wars?

One of your mafia family has to send them to you... You can encourage them to send them to you by sending energy packs out to them...

Why would the use of alternative source of energy be beneficial to the Earth and its people?

It would utilize renewable energy sources and create less pollution

Do energy star dishwashers use less electricity or water or both?

Energy Star dishwashers use less electricity, although they generally use less water as well.

What can energy suppliers do to reduce our carbon footprint?

Energy suppliers can increase their search and support for alternative forms of energy. They can also encourage their customers to be more conservative in their use of energy.

Why will fossil and nuclear fuels last longer if we also use renewable energy resources?

The more renewable energy we use the less non-renewable energy we use. And if we use less of it, it'll last longer.

How do you save money and energy?

Sure. Most forms of energy that we use, we have to pay for one way or another. Use less, pay less.