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The Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: three-in-one making one body of 3 separate beings. It can be difficult to visualize or make sense of: there have been analogies made such as with the candle [heat/flame/light] and with water as ice and vapour [solid/liquid/gas] but they are both dated: some people today wouldn't even have seen candles or ice, so any analogies with things that were common and easily understood in the the 19th Century to mid-20th Century are meaningless today. Candles have been replaced by the electric light, the ice-box was replaced by the refrigerator, and with global warming ice is becoming increasingly uncommon anyway. There are two analogies that make more sense from a modern perspective:-

Visualization (1).

Think of the Trinity as a corporation, with different branches or functions or arms, all separate and yet one body. (eg, Head Office, Manufacturing, and Retail.)

Visualization (2).

Think of the Trinity as a small family business, with Dad, Mum, and the Son:-

Dad is:-

· the nominal builder,

· boss

· designer,

· planner.

He is the One who gives the orders and delegates

Son is:-

· Dad's labourer ,

· 'boy-Friday', a 'go-for', labourer, final-year apprentice,

· Obeys what Dad tells Him to do,

· Really sacrifices Himself for the business, which one day He will run (His Dad had told Him: "Son, one day all this will be yours.").

He is the 'face' of the business which people see and know.

Mum is:-

the receptionist, phone-answerer,

· letter-writer,

· handles the paperwork and office- work,

· keeps the books, ensures things are running smoothly,

· settles and calms down the inevitable upsets and disputes,

· handles troubles and trouble-makers and pests,

· gives help and advice, gives a shoulder to cry on,

· is a good listener,

· works Behind the Scenes,

· uncomplainingly works day and night,

· is multi-tasking,

· does many things others are totally unaware of ,

Mum is often taken for granted and unacknowledged, but is the unseen power behind the Throne; without Mum the business would collapse.

'Dad' is God the Father, the 'Son' is God the Son [aka Jesus Christ ], and 'Mum' is the Holy Spirit.

Alternative Answer:Whereas, it is good to use an illustration to attempt to visualize the Trinity, one has to be careful not to make an illustration go beyond it's purpose. The corporation and the small family business above are the unifying factor in each case. Individuals mentioned are to be seen as part of the whole unit, not as separate individuals.

This is a difficult topic, but I think it's best to keep it as simple as possible. We can see the Trinity in creation, creating as one: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...", meaning the entire Godhead was involved at once as one. "Us," "our," with the complete coördination that a person in [God's] image would picture. Elohim, a plural word, is one God. Mankind, made in the image of God, has a mind, a body and a spirit (personality).

Colossians 1:14-17 indicates that the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, is eternal God who created all things, for His glory and holds them all in control of His will. This perfectly coördinates with John 1:1-3, where it states that the Word was God and was in the beginning with God. Verse 14 says: "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us..." Back in verse 3, it tells us: "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not ant thing made that was made."

Yet, Colossians 2:9 informs us: "In Him (Jesus Christ, v. 8) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." As Christ had said in John 10:30: "I and my Father are one." and in John 14:9: "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father...". Jesus is the manifestation of the Father in the flesh. Isaiah 9:6 indicates that the child's name that was to be born, which is obviously Jesus, was called amongst other names, "The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father."

Being made in the image of God, this may be a good illustrative picture: If, in your mind, you conceived a thought to create a watch and your personal spirit agreed that it would be good, then your entire being (body, soul & spirit) would cooperate & get about gathering the materials & tools, crafting & assembling the watch. At no point would there be a separation of these entities of yourself in accomplishing the task.

All three persons of the Trinity are involved in coming into the heart of a believer, yet the Scripture says: "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Col. 1:27. Yet, the Holy Spirit indwells us. John 14:16,17. This is the Holy Spirit of Christ as Eternal God, whose name is: "Counselor,...The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father." Isaiah 9:6. The Trinity is one God.

AnswerI think that all of the answers above are excellent depending upon your level of religiousity. A great way to comprehend the holy trinity is by tracing the Word to its Greek interpretation; Logos. Here's a link that clarifies that part of the Trinity which often complicates comprehension, the Holy Spirit. If you're interested in a simplistic but religious interpretation of the Holy Trinity, see the link below for beginners.
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The doctrine of the Trinity can be summed up as someone believing in one God existing as three distinct but equal persons. The term does not appear anywhere in the Scripture. It was first used by Tertullian near the end of the 2nd century and made 'more clear' in the 4th and 5th century - so it was the desired goal.

However, no theologian has given explanations of the Trinity doctrine so as it becomes clear for the average person to grasp. Many have written quite the opposite as A.W. Tozer, in his work 'The Knowledge of the Holy, states that the Trinity is an "incomprehensible mystery" and that attempts to understand it "must remain forever futile." Later in his book, he admits that churches, "without pretending to understand," have nevertheless continued to teach this doctrine (1961, pp.17-18). There are many more quotes siding with this opinion.

As many believe The Bible to be our only reliable source of divine revelation, this Trinity subject is not taught. And no matter how hard or long some people try, they cannot prove or explain something from the Bible that is not biblical. The 'majestic plural' name for God in Genesis' 'Let Us' (Elohim in Hebrew) is defined by allowing the Bible to (see below) - as currently only two divine players with the Father Supreme:

John 1:1-3New International Version (NIV) The Word Became Flesh1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

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