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In Arizona, "expunge" is also called "set aside". If the conviction occurred in Coconino or Maricopa County, you can find online instructions and forms at the first related link below (scroll down the page to "How does a person apply to have a conviction set aside...?"). If the conviction was in another county, you must contact the court clerk to get forms and instructions.

I found this link at the second related link below (scroll down the "Statewide Self Help and Legal Research" links to the last link, "Arizona Expungement Information"). CourtReference has a page of Self Help links like this for every state.

To find your local court clerk, use the third related link below. First select your county, then find your court and use the contact information provided. If the court has a website, there will be a link to it. Again, CourtReference has a page of court contact information like this for every state.

Added: See the last link listed below (AZ Expungement law) to determine for yourself if you qualify for expungement under AZ law.

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To request the expungement of an offense from your STATE (not Federal) criminal record: You must have either been exonerated, acquited, or served the complete term of your sentence - then file a petition/motion with the court setting forth valid reason(s) why your request should be granted. A judge will review your petition and the circumstances of your case and issue a ruling either granting or denying the request. AN EXPUNGEMENT IS NOT A PARDON! Expungement only removes the record of your offense from being available to the public. Law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies will always have access to your actual 'true' record. FELONS CONVICTED IN STATE COURT OF STATE CRIMES: If your request for expungement is granted and you are a resident of a state which completely or partially restores your "rights" (you will have to do your own esearch to learn if this applies to your state), you will still remain subject to whatever restrictions your state laws place on you (e.g.- voting rights - elective office - firearms/ammunition possession - etc). FEDERALLY CONVICTED FELONS - CAUTION: Regardless of what rights your state may restore, if you were convicted in FEDERAL COURT of a FEDERAL FELONY - it is a felony crime for a federally convicted felon to EVER own or possess a firearm. The U.S. Criminal Code, makes the penalty for illegal possession of a firearm a mandatory minimum of fifteen (15) years in prison in some cases (Title 18 U.S.C. sec 924(e)(1). At this time FEDERALLY convicted felons have no solution to their firearm disqualification. Congress has effectively eliminated the review of federally convicted felons' petitions for restoration of their firearms privileges, by denying funding for the purpose.

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Q: How do you expunge a felony conviction from 22 years ago in Arizona?
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Question is unclear. How can you have a felony record on a NON-conviction? You were either convicted of a felony or you weren't. If you weren't you're not a felon.

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Not unless they return to New Jersey to petition the NJ Courts to expunge their record. Your record can only be expunged by the jurisdiction in which you were originally convicted. Your felony conviction follows you for life and the penalties for violating the firearm possession laws are HARSH.

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