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Baby tetras are very, very small, usually around a millimetre long when they first become free swimming a few days after hatching. Before this time - during the 'wriggler' stage, the fry do not need to be fed as they are living off their yolk sacs. When they can swim, they need feeding and there are commercial fry foods designed for this. Liquifry No.1 is suitable. You can also culture rotifers for them. When they hatch, place a lettuce leaf in a large glass jar and pour boiling water in there. Let it cool and put it on the window sill in the sun. By the time the fry are free swimming the water will have gone cloudy. Use a syringe, eyedropper or baster to squirt some of this liquid to the fry. As they grow older (or for larger fry such as livebearers, which are the most likely to be found in a community tank) they can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or crushed fish food flake/pellet.

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15y ago

Their are many different types of food that can be used, but I personally recommend Tetramin or Tetracolor. These are basic types of food that come in flake form and can be found at literally any pet store or fish retailer.

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14y ago

Most egg layer fry are very tiny and need to be given microscopic foods like infusoria, rotifers etc. Good pet shops should carry commercial fry food designed spcifically for either livebearers of egg layers.

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Q: How do you feed new born tropical fish?
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What are you supposed to feed new born fish?

You are supposed to feed new born fish Mi>|e.

Where can someone purchase tropical fish tanks in the New York area?

Tropical fish tanks and supplies can be purchased in the New York area at Pete's Fish Place and Absolutely Fish. They carry a wide assortment of tropical fish, aquarium supplies and other requirements for all kinds of fish.

Does New Zealand have tropical fish?

Hmmm.... uhhh YES.

Teach a man to fish new testimant?

This is a Chinese proverb which is quoted as "Give a man to fish and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you will feed his for a lifetime"

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to get used to the new home

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Syringe feed newborn pup

Is it safe to feed a fish expired fish food?

it might be but i advise you to just get new food just to be safe

What sort of tank should you use for tropical fish?

Use a tropical fish tank, preferably new. That way you know that it should not leak. Try to avoid using a tank that was used for something other than tropical fish. I prefer glass tanks over acrylic because they are less likely to mark or look dirty and they are easier to keep clean. Most aquarists will tell you to start off with a small tank and as you enjoy it more and more, you can opt a larger tank. When I started into tropical fish and as I bought larger tanks I used the smaller tank for breeding. Tropical fish tanks and supplies are available in most pet stores that sell tropical fish.

How many types of tropical fish are there in the world?

some names/breeds of tropical fish are mollys a larger fish from a range of courloursguppies smaller fish but males hane large back fins neon tetras small blue and red fish tiger barbs black and orange can be agresive sword fins a same size as a guppie but males have longer tales at the end then females fighting fish agresive but beautiful fish coulours are red and blue angel fish small or large can be agresive colours range gouramies larger thin fish usaly white or green and purple strips calm fish depends on the breed

Are new born fish called a litter of fish?

Newborn fish are called "fry".

What do koi fish eat?

They eat fish food. You can choose to not feed them at all because Koi are bottom feeders, and the more you feed them the less algae they will eat. Feeding koi is done only for entertainment reasons. Though if you do feed them, we recommend not feeding fish more than once a day. The fish have plenty of things to nibble on in the pond, and the more you feed the fish, the more waste they will produce. The only time you have to feed your koi is when a new pond is installed, because there is no algae for the fish to eat. Also you must feed your koi fish less in the wintertime (depending on your area). Don't feed the fish when the water is under 55 degrees because the fish metabolism is slowed down and won't be able to process the food.

What is a baby fish could?

New born fish are called fry.