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Q: How do you feel about Candy's reaction to Curly's wife's dead body Why might he still cling to this idea of her as a tart?
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What might cause a Gram variable reaction?

It might cause reaction in staining and cause accident

What might be formed in the chemical reaction H202?

H2O2 is not a chemical reaction, it is Hydrogen Peroxide.

What is the scientific name for quickly?

In Physics, you might state that something has a high velocity. In Chemistry, you might call a "quick" reaction one that has a "high rate of reaction".

How might altering the pH affect the rate of the reaction?

Altering the pH might cause the enzymes involved in a reaction to be denatured. When enzymes are denatured, they do not function properly and the rate of the reaction either slows down or completely stops.

What type of chemical reaction is this caCO3 CaO CO2?

Decomposition Reaction

What factors might affect a person's reaction time?


What is a rapid series of nuclear fissions?

This might be called a chain reaction.

What purpose might the limewater serve?

As a catalyst, to speed up the reaction.

What simple test might be undertaken to check if a chemical reaction produces oxygen?

glowing splint ... if it relights then the chemical reaction produces oxygen.

Explain how you can tell whether a chemical reaction has taken place?

A chemical change or reaction happens if new substances are formed. there may be a change in temperature so the reaction mixture may heat up or cool down. it also might change colour, give off bubbles of gas or fumes and you also might hear fizzing or a gas might explode.

If you are allergic to penicillin and you brethe in or touch it will you have a reaction?

There is a chance that you might if you are really allergic.

What might release energy during a chemical reaction?

a cake anything cooked