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Q: How do you feel about people suffering?
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Why are you feeling uneasy with people?

If you feel this way frequently you may be suffering from social anxiety and should discuss this with your doctor.

How could a person feel righteous in the suffering others?

They would have to be a person with a seriously warped mind. Anyone who feels righteous about, or takes pleasure in, the suffering of others, is very, very sick. It doesn't matter whether those suffering might be perceived as bad people; they could be the worst in the world, but to take pleasure in their suffering puts the alleged "righteous" people in exactly the same category.

Is suffering the same word as pain?

Yes i say it is because when u are suffering u will feel pain

A person suffering from PTSD?

May have flashbacks and feel anxious

How did victor feel mankind would feel about his discovery?

the monster feels pain at the suffering he has caused in his creator

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people suffering from what will atrave themselves and what excessively to stay thin

What will happen to someone suffering from anaemia?

you will feel week and you will be lacking of iron

Why do you feel bad for shooting a bunny with pellet gun and its still alive suffering?

I'd feel bad because I didnt hit it in the head, so because of my bad shooting skills, the thing is suffering.

What are the three symptoms that may be present in a person suffering from appendicitis?

Someone suffering from appendicitis will feel severe pain in the lower right area of their abdomen. They will also be vomiting a lot and will feel very fatigued.

Where are people suffering most in the world?

Africa is suffering the most around the world

Why do I feel numb?

It you are suffering from a loss of sensation or feeling, see your medical practitioner

How can having belief in God help people cope with suffering in their lives?

Having the belief in god helps peopl ecope with suffering because it makes someone feel as if they are lost without a family member they have somewhere to go to for example prayer and a church where they can talk to god and having that existance makes them feel less alone and more able to cope.