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Q: How do you feel about people who commit suicide?
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How can you kill yourself and not feel bad?

You have no emotions after death. That's why people commit suicide.

Why do people disagree with jack kevorkian on what he did?

Because he let people to commit suicide and encourage them to commit suicide.

Why do people commit suicide while in prison?

Some people in prison commit suicide because they cannot handle the cruelty; possible rape; beatings by other prisoners or, some commit suicide because they cannot mentally handle being caged up or feel they have no chance of being released from prison.

Why people think committing suicide cures all their problems?

Some people just lose all hope in everything. They feel like nothing is right and nothing will ever be okay, they feel that life is pointless and that they will always suffer. A lot of times, people who commit suicide have depression which could be treated. People commit suicide for all different reasons

Why do people commit suicide over racism?

People commit suicide because of serious depression. Anything that can contribute to depression can contribute to a decision to suicide.

How did people commit suicide in ancient China?

They would eat a pound of salt to commit suicide.

How people commit suicide in ancient China?

They would eat a pound of salt to commit suicide.

What is the city that didn't suicide?

Cities do not commit suicide, people do.

Do the people who bully others commit suicide?

Very rarely do they ever feel guilty over bullying to commit suicide. Usually, the worst of the bullies never feel that level of remorse. They feel they were justified or that they were helping to further evolution. But then again, sometimes bullies are victims of abuse or bullying too, or they may have other problems such as substance abuse, so they might commit suicide. Bullying might be like a pain reliever for them, though not an effective one, so maybe it is possible to bully others and then also commit suicide.

Why do farmers commit suicide?

Farmer's may commit suicide for the same reasons other people would, depression.

What is the force of nature which makes people commit suicide?

People commit suicide because they are depressed, angry, or even confused. They do it so they can have Nirvana.

Did someone commit suicide?

yes people are always commiting suicide