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you don't, they have to be measured.

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Q: How do you figure out the half lifes of elements?
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Do all elements half half lifes?

yes they do

How are tracer elements used in a variety of ways?

They can be used in estimating the age of an object by measuring its half lifes.

What is the half life of plastic?

Depends on what plastic, if any have half lifes at all :P

What type of energy is release when one element decay into another elements?

Radiation in Alpha Particles, Beta Particles, Or Gamma Rays, Its Measured in Half-lifes; Which, put simply, is the time it takes for the element to decay half of its radioactivity away

How many half lifes with in plutonium?

The half life of the isotope Pu-239 is 2,41.10e+4 years.

Why cant you add the average masses of each of the isotopes and divide to get overall average of the atoms?

Because the isotopes do not appear in equal amounts. This is hardly surprising since many isotopes experience radioactive decay and change to other elements after decay while stable isotopes persist - thus stable isotopes will usually dominate as the most common isotopes for individual elements with those with the longest half-lifes being more common than those with shorter half-lifes. Of course when you get into the heaviest elements there don't seem to be any stable isotopes so those with longest half life dominate.

What are lifes 6 key elements?

NCHOPS - Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulfur

How many half lifes will there be?

we know there will be an epiode 3 but we dont know anything else

Why are some isotopes half-lifes?

Each isotope has a different rate of radioactive disintegration characterized by the half-life, the time necessary to reduce by half the number of atoms.

Is miley alive?

Well yes but she has two lifes so half real half not

What is the half-life of the element that registers 360 counts per hour and 18 hours later the rate becomes 45 counts per hour?

After 3 half lifes there will 45 counts per hour (360 -> 180 -> 90 ->45). Therefore 3 half lifes equals 18 hours. One half life is therefore 6 hours.

What is the descriptive name for a figure in heraldry half horse half sea horse?

A hippocampus was a half horse and half sea horse figure.