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First you check your state's statute regarding what constitutes abandonment. In some states, not paying support but abiding by visitation would not constitute abandonment. In all states, the period of time before a finding of abandonment is made may vary or there may be no specific period of time, rather the court decides (there is a 6 month general rule of thumb, but that is not carved in stone). And in all cases, any extenuating circumstances are considered. For instance, if a parent is indigent, incarcerated, hospitalized, etc., the may not be found to have abandoned their child.

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Q: How do you file child abandonment when he dont pay child support?
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What is an Abandonment Warrant?

most people youe it to file child support on someone it states they have nothing to do with their child in short terms

Can you file abandonment if the other parent visits regularly but has never paid child support?

seems unlikely

How can child support continue if the child is in high school but doesn't live with parents?

You file for custody as the child should be living with one of them. The custodial parent can be charged with abandonment. if the child has married, get the support stopped, or have the child emancipated.

Can you file child abandonment after 9 months?


Do you still pay child support if the 16 year old child got kicked out and My court oder says no but now what?

You file charges against the parent who kicked the child out for abandonment. You file for custody and suspension of child support. At the minimum, the payments can be frozen pending a review of the custody order.

On what grounds can you file child abandonment in georgia?

A parent who leaves a child in Georgia for 3 months or longer without support or communication is considered to have abandoned them. This has to be an intentional absence from the child's life.

If a child moves out in Indiana does child support stop?

Not until age 18 or high school graduation. If the child is under 18, file for custody based on abandonment by the custodial parent. see links

If the child's father is in rehab can you still file for abandonment?

No.If he's in "Rehab"he's "trying" to better himself.That is NOT Abandonment.

If the father hasn't paid child support in 2 or more years and hasn't had contact with the child in 2.5 years can I file abandonment on him?

Yes you can, but will need to go through the courts. Or you could still go after him for child support through the courts, they can make him pay.

How do you file abandonment charges on a father who does not pay child support and does not have anything to do with the child?

The process for filing abandonment charges on a noncustodial father who doesn't pay support varies by state. Generally speaking, if he has not seen the child for at least six months, you can file abandonment charges in family court.

Do you need to file a tax return if you're a stay at home mom getting child support?

No because you dont pay tax on child support

How do I file child abandonment against a felon in AZ?

If the felon cannot see their child due to incarceration, that would not be grounds for an abandonment charge as it is a situation beyond their control. If other circumstances apply, you may file a motion in the court with jurisdiction for a finding of abandonment on the part of the father if he has willfully had no contact with the child for 6 months or more.