

How do you find 'Nessie' on poptropica?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I just started it, but I figured out how to find Nessie.

First you climb the little hill where a man with orange hair standing.

Then click on a viewfinder which is on his left side.

Next try to find Nessie as fast as you can.

If you don't find Nessie, then the man beside will not let you use it again, he says you can only use it once per day. That's why you can refresh your page and log in again.

I hope I could help. ^.^

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I don't know To get unlimited tries to look for Nessie on the viewfinder, open new tabs and open poptropica and go to the viewfinder and look for Nessie. Keep doing this so you will get unlimited tries per day.