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I don't know how long ago you asked this question, but hopefully you've found your turtle since then! Be sure to look in all nooks and crannys - and under furniture, even if you think the spaces aren't big enough for your turtle to fit. They like dark, and will head for the shadows. I've found mine in the back of closets, and behind large wall units. Sometimes quite a chore to get them out! Good Luck!

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14y ago

I have had the same problem, the best thing to do is look in hidden locations out of the sun, baby map turtles from what I know like to hide in places they aren't visible, but clearly the place its hiding should be under your nose.

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15y ago

i dont know but if i ever find mine i will let you know it not a nice feeling to think he out there somewhere i

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14y ago

I found one by opening my front door...

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Q: How do you find a lost baby turtle in your home?
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Yes, you can let them crawl around on the floor for awhile. They can be out of water for extended periods of time, no problem. Although, if you can, it would be a good idea to find a cardboard box or something for the turtle to crawl around in, especially if it's a baby. For two reasons: 1) Baby turtles can get lost in the house. When I was growing up, we lost a baby turtle in the house (over a week later, we found him -- ALIVE -- thank God). And at least 4 people on this site have asked questions about how to find a lost baby turtle in the house. So, apparently it happens often enough to be a serious concern. 2) Turtles can carry germs that make people sick. BUT they can also get sick from household germs that don't bother humans. And even in the cleanest home, the floor is covered with germs.

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How do you get a turtle in happy aquarium?

if your friend found any lost turtle, you will have a chance adopt it for free. source :

How can you make sure You'll be able to find your turtle if it gets lost?

How could you lose a turtle? They live in water, silly little girl!

What does it mean if you find a baby?

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Once a girl found a turtle on the train tracks.she brought it home with her and put it in the yard. it got lost.a dog came in the yard.could the dog have eaten the turtle.?

It could of but it can't eat the shell though so if you ever find the shell in the yard it ate the turtle most likely or some other predator ate it. But if you don't find the shell it's most likely it left. The dog could've also brung the whole turtle somewhere. Answer 2 no because you said the turtle got lost

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