

Best Answer

But your question is nicely answered in Wikipedia under: 1/Ne = [1/600 + 1/400 (when there are 200 males and 200 females)] / 2 = [5/1200] / 2 = 0.00208... so that Ne = 480 for these 1000 ainmals. If the sex-ratio differs, you just follow the other example and formula given under the above mentioned link. Cheers, Ulrike

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Q: How do you find effective population size for example 1000 animals with 300 breeding males and 300 breeding females and 400 kids?
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Why are dogs an example of selective breeding?

is dog breeding an example of natural selection

Population of animals?

A population of animals is a group of animals of the same kind, same species, have the same characteristics, living in the same habitat. For example, a population of frogs at a pond. A population of squirrels in a tree.

What are the objectives of animal BREEDING?

Animal breeding is done to make sure a pool of genes will remain in certain group of organism. It is so no hybrid crossing will happen, only pure breeds would reproduce. It is for people to get desired results. Example, Animal breeding of chihuahua means all the dogs coming from the one breeding it is chihuahua =) hope it helps!

What is breeding in and breeding out?

Breeding in is breeding with someone who is related to you. And breeding out is when someone is not related to you. For example lets say a girl dog and a boy dog breed they produce a girl dog. The girl dog breeds with her father and its considered breeding in. And the off spring turns out deformed and sick. Out breeding is like when a girl dog breeds with another dog that is not closely related so it is considered out breeding. Hope this solves your answer.

Why dangerous animals should be protected?

Dangerous animals should be protected because it is the circle of life. Without these dangerous animals there would be more a higher population of other species eventually overpopulating the earth. For example, if all lions were killed, gazelles would eventually overpopulate. The same goes for other animals and their prey and predators.

Related questions

What are some example of selective breeding?

to save the endangered animals

What are examples of selective breeding?

1. an example of selective breeding is crossing a poodle and a labor-doodle that have desired traits. usually this is practiced on by plants and animals.

What is an population of animals?

A population of animals is a group of animals of the same kind, same species, have the same characteristics, living in the same habitat. For example, a population of frogs at a pond. A population of squirrels in a tree.

What isn't an example of selective breeding?

Selective breeding is when people (scientists) breed plants/animals for their traits. Its like strong horses being bred together or like white and red flowers to make pinks flowers. They can predict what the organism will turn out to look like. An example that ISN'T selective breeding is random flowers/animals that breed not caused by humans.

Why are dogs an example of selective breeding?

is dog breeding an example of natural selection

What are the uses of infertile animals in breeding?

Infertile animals are not able to have offspring of their own - so are not of any direct value in breeding. Infertile animals may be introduced into populations as a means of population control - for pest species. Sterile males may also be used to see if females are receptive for mating purposes before the intended male mate is transported. An example of this is in the horse breeding industry - where they wish to know whether to bring the stallion in to service the mare. However, a fertile pony, who is unable to breed with the mare - but technically fertile - is usually used.

What is the definition of selective breeding?

Selective breeding is when you mate specific plants or animals to pass on a certain genetic trait they may have. For example, if you have two horses with very strong hearts then you may want to breed them so that their offspring may also have a strong heart. Farmers use selective breeding to breed the best plants and animals for feeding, selling or breeding.

One example of selective breeding?

Most of the domesticated plants and animals you are familiar with have been produced through selective breeding. Dogs, cats, cows, goats, corn, grass, tomatoes, etc .

Is dog breeding an example of natural selection?

False, dog breeding would be an example of Artificial Selection.

Is Dog breeding is an example of natural selection?

False, dog breeding would be an example of Artificial Selection.

Is trapping animals still allowed?

Yes, it is a sport but more importantly it has been proven to be an effective way of population control. Does the animal herd good to have pressure put on the population, this naturally boosts the breeding and health of the rest of the herd. Some animals are destructive and cause a lot of problems. Pocket gophers, for example, ruin lawns and crops. There are two ways to eradicate these rodents. One is poisoning, which can also harm local pets and livestock, and is harmful to the environment. The other is trapping, which is fast and effective. If you were a nasty pocket gopher, would you prefer a quick death in a trap, or a slow painful death from poison? Trapping is the humane way of disposing of certain problem creatures. Rats and mice are also routinely trapped.

How are selective breeding and natural breeding different?

Selective breeding is when farmers or bioligists breed certain animals together because of their traits. This is man made. For example, cattle are breeded together based on positive traits.Natural Selection, however, is natural obviously. Here the concept of "the survival of the fittest" is put into place. Animals that run the fastest, have the longest necks, etc. tend to survive. Then, when these animals breed, their characteristics are passed on from generation to generation and become more common.