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You go to the library and look up your horse. Add the two stats that say intelligence and personality. Then pull up your horse and do the same. Divide your horse's number byt the number in the library. Finally multiply by 100 and that is the UT percentage.


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Q: How do you find out your horse's untrainables percentage on HorseIsle?
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How do you find out the horses uts on HorseIsle?

First, add the two untrainables, intel. and person., for the target horse. Then, find the breeds max untrainables and add together. Divide the target untrainables score by the breeds max untrainables score. Multiply by 100.

How do you work out the percentage of a horse on HorseIsle?

The UT's are the horse's untrainables. The 2 untrainables are Personality and Intelligence. To find out the average of the 2 you have to first find the breeds max amount of the untrainables. You add the maxed breeds untrainables together and write down that number. Then you go to the horse's untrainables you are trying to figure out and add the 2 numbers together. write down that number. Divide the number for your horse with the maxed horses number. Multiply that number by 100 and that is the percentage. ~CrimsonWolf, Chestnut~

How do you find untrainables for HorseIsle?

Untrainables or UTs, are already imputted into each horse. There are only two UTs, personality and intelligence. These can NOT be trained. Click on your horse and scroll down to view it's stats. To view the max stats for each horse, go to the library. -Vallina from Pinto

In freerealms where do you find horses to rent?

Please don't categorize this in the topic "Horseisle" as it isn't horseisle.

How do you find your horses uts on horseisle?

UTs are Intelligence and Personalitiy.

Were can you find the Bashkir Curly horses at on horseisle?

only on the snowy isles

How do you find the percentage of your horses UTs on HorseIsle?

You add the horses UT's together (without tack / companions etc) then go to the library, add together the breed max then divide the horse UT's by the breed Max

What is the game HorseIsle?

It is a game with horses and you travel around islands to find treasure.

How do you find out your horses UTS on HorseIsle?

How do I find my horses UTS out?Quite simple really...The better your horses Intelligence and Personality are the better UTs they have.what does UTs stand for?It stands for untrainables So stats that you can't change/train.How do I know what my horses intellgience and personality levels are?Check the red stats on your horses profile..NOT THE BLUE ONES! Intel and personality Should be listed there Along with some other Stats that ARE trainable.How do I find the UT percentage?Make sure that the horse has no companians that could change the stats. First add the horse's actual Intelligence and Personality points together. We'll call this a. Then add the maximum Intelligence and Personality together. We'll call this b.Now divide a by b and then multiply by 100.This is the UT percent.

Best Place to find horses on horseisle?

Desert and jungle isle are quite good.

In the Game HorseIsle what horses and items are found on Snow Isle?

On Snow isle, Bashkir Curly's and other snow horses are found. As for items, mainly snowballs, and, if you are on Christmas isle, you will also find candy canes. A way to find out if a horse can be found in snow, is to look it up in the library. Most horses say where they are found on horseisle.

On HorseIsle where can you find a wild horse?

Horses can be found in every terrain outside of towns and not on Cloud isle.