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Enter the number, press ^ and enter 1/3


the cube root of 27 would be 27^(1/3)

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Q: How do you find the cube root of a number on a texas instrument-30xa calculator?
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How do you determine the cube root of 7?

Many calculators will offer a way for you to do cube roots, or what number to the power of 3 will equal that number. There is no easy way to go about finding cube roots without a calculator, so I suggest not trying too hard.. but the cube root of 7 is 1.912931182772389 found from using a simple Cube Root calculator you can find on the internet.

How do you figure out cube roots in my calculator?

If you have Windows 7, as do I, then change the calculator to scientific mode, and there is a cube roots button, type in the number you want, and hit that button. If you are talking about a standard handheld calculator, most don't have it, but the TI scientific ones do!

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Use a ruler

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