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Use your ninja gear to climp up the cliffside. Navigate the heavily guarded floors by staying out of the light to reach the room where they are being kept. Cut the rope holding up their cage with a ninja star. the cage will crash to the floor and they will be freed.

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12y ago

There is actually no key, you just have to shoot the cage's cord with a throwing star, and bam!, Jack and Annie are free.

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Q: How do you find the key to jack and Annie's cage on poptropica?
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Where did that guy hide the key for the cage of jack and Annie on poptropica?

You aren't told and don't need to know. You simply shoot their cage down with a ninja star.

Where is the key to save jack and Annie on poptropica?

There is actually no key. You just have to shoot the cage's cord with a throwing star, and bam, Jack and Annie are saved.

How Do You Find Jack and Annie in Poptropica?

on red dragon island. don't you know that?

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I'm not sure of what you mean by crate... But you have to cut the rope with the ninja stars to free annie and jack from their cage when you meet the shogun without armor...

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No. There is not a key for Jack and Annie's cage. The Shogun is a LIAR! You have to use your ninja stars to cut the cage down and Jack and Annie will be free.

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jack asss i dont know im skaing you

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