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Q: How do you find the meaning of a twitter hash tag?
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What is the meaning of the blue world in Twitter?

Hash Tag or/and link to another website

What is the definition for hashtag?

A tag embedded in a message posted on the Twitter microblogging service, consisting of a word within the message prefixed with a hash sign.

What is the meaning of pound sign in twitter?

The hash sign # is an important community feature on Twitter, much like the @ sign. While @ is used to denote @replies, the # is used to denote #hashtags. A #hashtag is used to mark tweets on a given topic, allowing for that topic to be searched for easily.For example, tweets about WikiAnswers may have a #wikianswers tag, while tweets about the Nintendo Wii use a #wii tag. Most Twitter clients, including the site itself, automatically detect #hashtags: if you click on a tag, a search of that tag will automatically open.

Why is it called a hash tag?

Because the word bit is a "tag" and the symbol at the start "#" is called a "hash".

What does DFTS mean on Twitter?

DFTS stands for Don't Forget to Smile !! @zendaya96 (Zendaya Coleman from Shake It Up uses it with the hash tag: #DFTS)

In Twitter what is fb?

#fb is the hash tag for Facebook. By using that hashtag, you can spread certain selected updates to Facebook through a Facebook app called "Selective Twitter Status", that you can reach here:

How do you hash tag someones name on twitter?

You can't hashtag their name but you can hashtag a phrase or a word. For example: #happy #excited #love. Hope that answered your question!! :)

Do hashtags work on facebook?

Yes, the hastags will work on personal profile posts, fan page posts, group posts, event posts, and all comments. Click on the hastag to get redirected to its feed.while giving hastag on for our post in Facebook it can reach people easily.

What exactly does the hash tag symbol mean when used with words in between the?

The hash tag symbol is used to highlight or stress the words in use.

What rhymes with hash tag?

bash lag

Who invented hash sign?

Twitter invented the hash tag (#) in 2006. Before this its use was completely unknown and only ever occurred when an Apple Mac user accidentally pressed (alt+3) instead of (shift+3) when trying to use the Pound sign (£).

What is a hashtag?

Hashtags are a way of tracking trends on Twitter. Adding a word with a hashtag in front of it - for instance, #WikiAnswers - adds that "tweet" to a list of "tweets" with the same hashtags. That way they can be tracked and used for statistics about a trendy topic.