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Q: How do you fix damage cilia in trachea?
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What is the function of globlet cells and cilia in trachea?

Mucus secreted by goblet cells trap the foreign particles. Cilia push the particles out wards. This protects your lungs from damage by the foreign particles.

What is the trachea lined with to sweep away particles and dust?

The trachea is lined with ciliated columnar epithelium, which has hundreds of tiny hairs called cilia.

What is the protective function of the cilia and goblet cells of the trachea?

Mucus secreted by goblet cells trap the foreign particles. Cilia push the particles out wards. This protects your lungs from damage by the foreign particles.

What is the tube held open by rings of cartilage lined with cilia and mucous membrane?

The trachea.

Smoking may damage the respiratory system because deposits from the smoke can?

Interfere with ciliary action in trachea. This is because smoke can temporarily paralyze the cilia interfering with their ability to remove foreign matter from the trachea.

What occurs when the cilia that line your trachea and bronchi?


Smoker's cough results from damage to the external structure of lung cells by tobacco smoke What part of the cell would you predict is damaged?

Smoker's cough results from damage of the cells that line the trachea which have cilia. The cilia are damaged so that the mucus cannot be moved and therefore be swallowed. Coughing helps to remove the mucus. Also smoke irritates the cells of the trachea and produce the cough

Where are cilia located?

Cilia are found on the outside of the cell as projections for bacteria and virus.

What is the purpose of the mucous membrane and cilia in the trachea?

Mucous membranes and cilia in the trachea trap and eliminate particulate matter from inhaled air. The membranes also warm and moisten incoming air.

Why are the cilia and mucus in the nasal cavity and trachea important?

The combination of cilia and mucous helps to filter out solid particles from the air.

Where are the cilia in the respiratory system located?

In the lining of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.

What is the Tiny hair like structures that trap bacteria in the trachea?
