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I think what you referring is gummy smile, if you have to much gum, you can get surgery to redesign the contour, in my case with gum desease I am actually in need of some...and you want to get rid of In my opinion you should be very carefull what you do, because soon or later gum recede anyway...

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Q: How do you fix gums that overlap your teeth?
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Are the gums the soft area of the teeth?

The gums are the pink skin that the teeth are connected to.

Why are teeth and gums important?

teeth are important so you can chew food and gums hold your teeth in place.

Are teeth and jaws the same?

no they are not the same because the jaw is like your gums and your teeth hang from you gums

Are the gums on your teeth muscles?

No. The gums are made of mucus tissues.

The is the pink tissue that surrounds the teeth and covers the alveolar?

Gums are the pink tissue that surround the teeth and covers the alveolar. The function of the gums is to protect the teeth and support the mouth's structure.

What do teeth grow out of?

your gums

What are teeth connected to?


What is extra teeth on the gums called as?

Supernumerary teeth.

I just noticed that my gums are receeding and my teeth feel slightly rough. Is there a way to get my enamel back and make my gums grow back up I've never even had a cavity?

the teeth may be rough from tarter or plaque build up. A periodontist or gum specialist can do a root coverage gum graft to restore the gums to the proper location and most likely fix or recommend who to fix the roughness. most times this is caused by over brushing.

Do you have to get a filling in your gums if the inside of your gums is infected but you got your teeth pulled?


What can be done about permanent teeth growing through pallet and not the gums where the baby teeth came out?

Usually when teeth are growing on the palate instead of where the baby teeth were, they need to be extracted(pulled). Sometimes if it isn't very severe, an orthdontist can fix the problem with braces.

Why do dental x rays penetrate your gums and not your teeth?

Your teeth are mostly solid bone, while your gums are just muscle