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It depends whats wrong with it, if the cable is simply disconnected all you have to do is make sure its still fit to work and plug it back in to either the front tire or under your cluster (depending where its off) if its connected but still not working then you buy a new cable, remove your old one by unscrewing it from your cluster display, and your front tire. its just a round bolt you twist off (righty tighty lefty loosy) then run your new cable through the same places you pulled it from and attach it to the tire and the cluster.

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Q: How do you fix speed odometer cable for 2003 harley davdison sportster?
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i have a 1995 harley e- glide , recently the speedo quit i dont know if its electric or man how do i go about fixing i have a 1993 sportster with the same problem.....replace the speedo cable, it's a piece of cake and costs maybe 40 bucks. electra-glide does not have a spedoocable like the sportster...check the cables behind the dials, or on the other end by the speed sensor.

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odometer cable and speedometer cable are the same thing, unscrew cable from speedometer head under the dash and unhook it from the tranny and pull the cable out and replace with a new one.

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There cable. It is electronically controlled.

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Most modern vehicles do not use a speedometer/odometer cable; it's all done by sensors.

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connected to the back of the odometer and runs in to the transmission it pulls out

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More than likely, it sounds like your odometer cable has been disconnected or is failing. A new odometer cable can be picked up at any auto parts seller.

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